Chapter Nine

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Nevelia's POV

I look at myself in the mirror with the five tattoo's place strategically on my body, they look perfect. The healing magic I used got rid of the redness and made it heal within minutes. I walk to get breakfast in my pajamas and see all of the Avengers gathered there eating apart from Peter who is back in Queens with his aunt.

"Good morning sleeping beauty its 11 in the morning you slept in late, Steve made waffles and as you know he is a horrible cook." Tony says and Steve shoots him a look "But everyone has been eating it and so far no one has died so join the table."

I sit down in the only empty seat next to Vision and serve myself. He grabs my hand before I go to eat and whispers in my ear.

"Thank you Nevelia, truly without you I wouldn't be here. I know I am not back to my old self but I am here and that is all I wish for." He says smiling

I nod to him before beginning to eat.

"So Nevelia what should we do today?" Sam asks me looking happy "With you going to school tomorrow and all I think it would be good to do something fun."

I remember I have to go to school tomorrow and dread sets in. I see Steve eyeing my shoulder suspiciously and I realize Gamora's dagger tattoo is out in the open, it quickly cover it up. 

"Nevelia Abrielle Esteran Donahue-Stark what the hell was on your shoulder?" He asks firmly

"Oh just a drawing I did yesterday when I was bored." I innocently shrug my shoulders before going back to eating

"Was this perhaps a permanent drawing?" He asks and I cough on my water

"No why would you think that?" I ask trying to keep my innocence

"Oh nothing just a little iron birdie told me this morning." He says casually

I put down my cup and glare at Tony.

"Fine I have tattoos and they look pretty fucking amazing but they are not just tattoos they hide my suit." I say to the group

"Steve doesn't like that kind of language." Natasha says giggling

"One fucking time." He mutters

"Language." Everyone says at once

We all start laughing.

"So Nevelia can we see this suit?" Pepper asks

I nod and stand up out of my chair.

"Adi suit up." I say to my necklace 

Out of the tattoos nanobots come morphing a black knee high dress with long sleeves and combat boots form onto my feet, my hair goes curly and blows in the nonexistent wind. The dress has cloud like patterns of blue purple and pink making it look like a galaxy. Everyone is awestruck.

"What about the mask?" Tony asks and I nod

A masquerade-like mask slides over my eyes. I snap my fingers and it all blurs back to my tattoos. I sit back down and everyone basically applauds me, I smile.

"So how on earth did you make that?" Bruce asks

"Tony helped a little but it was mostly me, it's just a more high tech nano technology I bassed it off Tony's and upgraded it."

"So Tony have you finally found someone better than you?" Rhodey asks

"Yes I believe I have." Everyone is shocked by his statement

"Wow." I mutter

"So Nevelia, what are we going to do today?" Tony asks breaking the silence

"Peter was telling me of this thing called laser tag is there a place we could go to?" I ask

"Yes there is a place near here I could rent out for the day for us this should be fun." He says smiling

"But I have rules, no power, no gear just pure normal people playing except if you are good with stuff that relates to laser tag you can do that. And we are doing it every man or woman for themselves and whoever wins can choice dinner for tonight." I say listing them off

Everyone nods and starts to clean up to get ready. I am in a black t-shirt with a neon painting of an arc reactor and black jeans. Every second I spend with them the more they feel like my family, the more this feels like my home.

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