Chapter Seven

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Nevelia's POV

I step back to stare at my completed work. I spent three hours working on it and it is now the middle of the night. A necklace that holds my original powers that will transfer the powers to me if I wear it. I also made a ring that holds an emergency load of some of the stones power therefore if I chose I could be completely normal or the most powerful women in the galaxy. I attached an AI personality that I made to help me control my powers. I named her Adeline or Adi for short. Tony fell asleep on the couch watching me so I put a blanket on him and continued working. Hopefully I can survive here on earth. I hear Tony stir and turn to him.

"Hey there what have you been doing?" He asks

"I made an AI and some stuff to help manage my powers."

"Wow I didn't expect that, what did you name the AI?" He asks

"My name is Adeline or Adi for short." She says into the room startling Tony

"I may have connected her to the compound mainframe. Your AI FRIDAY is still there but my is also there to." I say

He nods.

"That's amazing how do you know how to do that?"

"Technology in space is a bit different but I can adjust quickly." I smile to him

Tony's POV

She is a genius soon she will outsmart me. I can't believe she has made this I thought she was going to be at 4th grade level learning but I think she could be a college professor.

"How did you connect it to your magic?" I ask curious investigating it

"The magic runs through my blood, take some blood separate the blood from the magic infuse to the metal when you are casting and then because you leave a bit of proper blood in it and the AI can scan blood without taking it and all I say is morph and the power comes to me, simple." She says it as though she is explaining making a tower of building blocks

I am awestruck, she is a literal genius.

"Ok but your hair still has the rainbow streaks and your eyes are still rainbow what will you do about that?" I ask trying to find a way to prove I am still the smartest 

"That is because I still have the magic inside me, it has left its mark and I can't do anything but this." She smiles "Hey Adi conceal." 

Her hair turns its natural red color and stays at her knees but her eyes turn a beautiful green blue, she truly is a genius I have found someone smarter than me.

"Oh my god you are a genius!" I hear from the door and turn to see Peter there in spider man pajamas

Nevelia has to suppress a giggle as she sees him. He blushes.

"Hey sorry I heard a noise and I saw what you were talking about and it is really cool." He turns red like a tomato talking to her

"That's ok would you like to make random stuff with me?" She asks getting a faint blush on her cheeks

I'm calling it now those to will date, you can see it in their eyes. I smile to myself thinking that Nevelia will get a normal life.

"Nevelia one second in the photo your people have blue skin what about you?" I ask

"Oh yeah I learnt to conceal it at a young age, but I can still show you though." She looks shy and nervous

I nod and giver her an encouraging smile she softly snaps her fingers and her appearance changes drastically. Her hair turns to a bright red shade with dark brown bit inside and it is now touching the floor, her eyes are bright purple and her skin is now a light pastel blue. She is still as beautiful as ever. I see Peter's jaw drop, he looks amazed.

"This is how most Elstaren people look." She says shyly

"You look amazing." Peter smiles

They will keep each other floating it is good for them to have each other. Nevelia smiles before looking like us and continuing with her work.

"Peter?" She asks not looking back

"Yeah?" He asks 

"Are you good at metal work?" She asks

"I guess." He shrugs

"Come help me with this I am casting this weapon bracelet for protection but I have a time sensitive weapon I'm completing do you think you could do that?" She asks

"Yeah." He starts to pour it into the mold "What type of metal is this?"

"Oh its my own chemically engineered metal, it is flexible without breaking and it is heat and cold resistant so perfect for the bracelet."

He nods and continues pouring. I smile before letting them work.

Peter's POV

"So you made this?" I ask her

"Yeah it was really simple too, I have made plenty of new metals and elements I'm surprised humans don't have more, you could even just use simple basic ones." She smiles working on something

She is amazing, making her own elements and just being a genius.

"So are you excited to come to my school?" I ask her

"Yeah definitely except first I have to go to a heap of conferences first as Tony Stark's adopted daughter." She chuckles

"So do you want to be known as Tony Starks daughter?"

"I mean I don't know maybe?"

"Are you going to join the avengers as Nevelia or with a secret identity?"

"Secret identity for sure I don't want to put those people close to me in danger."

"So will this super hero be joining spider man to save Queens?"

  "I will go where ever it takes me."

She finishes her weapons and starts to place them inside the bracelet.

"So what are you doing now?" I ask her looking into her eyes

"Making a suit, no super hero is complete without a suit." She smiles looking at me with a twinkle in her eye "Hey Adi run a body scan for measurements and bring up a hologram."

"I'm going to head back to bed I'm going home tomorrow." I say walking out

She nods and continues to work, on the way back to bed all I can think about is her, she is stuck in my thoughts. She is so smart and her personality is perfect overall she is perfect.

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