Chapter Twenty-Five

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*Nevelia's POV*

I have spent the past seven hours educating myself until Tony turned off the servers in my room, saying I need to sleep, I say bullshit. But nonetheless here I am in bed trying to sleep.

I see a figure in the corner of my room, I go to stand up and fight them but something strange comes over me. I feel lost, like I am drifting meaninglessly in space.

I am standing in the middle of flames, everyone I love and care about around me, dead. A woman with bright magenta stands behind me.

"Good work." She says smiling "You have killed the Avengers you should be proud my dear."

"I am, Master." A voice comes from my mouth, it is mine, but I am not controlling it

"Come now, Earth is ready to be ruled again." She grabs my hand

"First Earth, then the universe."

"Correct, now let's go."

I start to feel control inside of this vision I don't follow the woman instead I look around the bodies. I can see the body of Peter in his Spider Man suit. He has his hand reached out to me. I crouch beside him. He bolts up and grabs my hand.


"Peter you know I didn't mean to."

"Then why did you laugh? You laughed as you watched us burn."

I step away in horror at my actions and fall back to the ground, my body hits the ground hard as pain radiates through me.

I am in my bed, they say I am safe, but I know I am not. I crawl to the ground into the corner of my room and huddle into a ball. I killed them, and I laughed. 

I stay there till the sunlight floods my room. I can't let people see me as weak, see me for who I am. I quickly stand up and walk down for breakfast, I plaster a fake smile on my face as they see me.

"Morning. Who's cooking today?" I smile

"Steve." Tony says

"Oh lord save us." I chuckle as I sit down

"I heard that!" He shouts from the kitchen

"I heard screaming last night, are you ok?" Tony whispers into my ear so no one hears

"Just catching up on my movies, you must have heard me scream from a movie called Jaws I believe."

"Ok, you can tell me anything."

"I know, thank you Tony."

He nods as Steve brings in horrible smelling pancakes.

"Bonn appetite." He says

"Yeah no thanks. I don't want coal for breakfast." Tony says

I chuckle.

"Come on. It's only semi burnt."

"Ha semi burnt my ass." Nat says

"I'll cook you guys something better." I smile standing up

"Thank you, finally we don't have to eat bat shit for once." Tony yells out to me

I chuckle as I open the fridge to see basically nothing. I walk back out to the table.

"No wonder you have been eating bat shit, you haven't restocked groceries in I don't know how long."

"Wanna get breakfast from McDonald's then?" Clint suggests

"Sure." Tony smiles

"McDonald's is the fast food restaurant yes?" I ask

"Yes it is." Steve looks at me

"I will stay back here, just get me whatever you guys are getting." I say

"We will too." Nat and Clint pipe up

I sigh but nod, everyone gets into the car and I wave them off. I turn to see Nat and Clint facing me, sympathetic looks plastered on.

"Nevelia, we know you weren't watching a movie. The scream was at 3:48 Tony turned off your servers at 3. You can tell us, we won't tell Tony or anyone else." Nat says

"Great guess the game is up. You got me, congratulations. I'm going outside." I push past them

"Nevelia, did you have a nightmare or vision?"

"Does it matter!" I yell at them

They don't even flinch.

"Yes, nightmares are things the brain makes up. Everyone here has a vision at least once, they almost always turn out to be true."

"You wanna know my vision? I watched the world burn, I watched everyone I loved die and I laughed. You tell me if that is going to come true."

I turn back to walk out leaving them in silence. I pull out my mobile phone, the one I engineered to reach the Guardians who are back safe on their ship. I press the button to call them and wait at the top of Gamora's tree.

I see the ship come into view, a little capsule ship comes down and I hop inside. It lifts me onto the ship and I see them all there waiting for me.

"Hey kiddo, how are you?" Quill asks embracing me

"Ok." I reply

"No, no you aren't." Mantis places a hand on my shoulder

"No I'm really not. I had a vision."

"Another?" Rocket asks

"I am Groot?" Groot asks
Isn't that five this week?

"Yeah it is. They are getting worse, more gruesome."

"The world ending?"

"Yeah, but worse." I say

"How so?" Quill asks

"I was still alive, I caused it."

"I am Groot?"
Do you think it will come true?

"Maybe I don't know. I really hope not though. Thank you for picking me up and talking to me. I just needed someone to confide in."

"We will always be there for you."

"Thanks guys."

Ok I am still in a daze we just reached 1.1k. Thank you so much for reading! You have no idea how much this means to me! I just started this thinking it would be a small thing that would never take off but you guys have proved me wrong! I really hope you guys are liking this, I know I have been a bit spotty with updates, it's just been so hard to write because I am cursed with writers block at the most inconvenient times including now.

I hope you forgive me though and I hope you keep reading!

Don't forget to follow, vote and comment!

Love Lulah!

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