Chapter Twenty

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Tony's POV

"So let's get started." I say to them

"It worked she no longer has the powers of the stones." Wong says

"Alright, we are safe from her?" Steve asks

"Yes." Stephen says to him

"I'm not happy about this." Bucky starts "If she finds out she will loose her trust in us completely, I don't want that to happen. We have made progress that we can't loose."

"We know that Buck. If she does attack us for some unknown reason we need to make sure we have the ability to overpower her." Steve says to Bucky

"Listen, I don't feel good about this either, but we need to have a something to fall back on." I tell them "Thank god Peter isn't a part of this, he would be telling her in the blink of an eye."

"All because he has the biggest crush on her, I mean it isn't like he is being careful about it." Bruce smirks

I chuckle knowing he is right, but does she have a crush on him?

We hear a knock on the door, I turn and see her there smiling. I walk over to open the door.

"Hey there whats going on?" Her smile is bright and genuine "Ooo is there an Avengers meeting? Bucky said I was an Avenger so can I join?"

"Yes there is a meeting, yes Bucky is right you are an Avenger, no you can't join we are discussing your position in the Avengers." I say to her "Sorry kid."

"That's ok, well I'm going out. Cabin fever." 

"Where to?" Stephen asks

"Oh hi Stephen, I'm just going to the mall."

"Why do we not have something we need?" I ask

"No you do not, and I would like to go out because, well I'm going crazy in here." She smiles

"Have Peter go with you." I tell her

She gives me a look of shock.

"Ok well do you have a phone for me to text him on or something?"

I hand her a phone with our numbers and Peter's too.

"Be back before 9."

I say shutting the door on her.

Nevelia's POV

Why does Peter have to come with me? I mean I can protect myself. I pull up his contact and call it.

"Peter Parker, who is this?" I hear his voice say on the other side sounding very official

"Peter it's me." I chuckle "You don't need to sound so formal

"Oh hey Nevelia, what are you doing?"

"Going to the mall, Tony said you have to come with me though, I don't know why."

"Wait Mr Stark asked for me to do that?"

"Yeah so I'm about to teleport to your apartment building so we can walk to the mall."

"Oh ok, I'll get ready."

"You have like thirty seconds before I'm outside your apartment."

I hang up and smirk before teleporting to his apartment block in the alleyway. I quickly walk in and go up to his floor knocking on the door. 

"Just a minute!" I hear him yell from the other side

I chuckle and look around, it is small and quiet. The door unlocks and Peter steps out with his bag.

"Ready to go?" I ask


"Cool let's go then."

I start walking out to the street, we are going to a mall near his apartment.

"So why are we going to the mall anyway?"

"I need supplies."


"A project."

"Are you going to tell me about this project?"

"Nah, I think I gonna leave it a mystery."

"Fine, but I could figure it out from what you are buying."

"I doubt it." I chuckle at him

It feels so freeing to be out in the fresh air, away from the base, away from the Avengers, away from my problems. Peter looks at me and gives me such a cute smile as he sees my reaction to different things on Terra, when we get to the mall he takes me to the food court first to show me some Terran foods. First he shows me this thing called cotton candy, it is amazing.

"I never knew Terra had such nice things." I smile devouring it greedily


"Yeah Terra, what do you call this planet?"

"This planet is called Earth."

"Oh. And what do you call the Terrans?"

"We call them humans."

"No that is your species. Let me rephrase it, what do you call Earth dwellers?"

"Earthens, but we mainly call ourselves humans." He says

"Strange, you refer to yourself as your species not as your dwelling." I smile at him giggling "Earth really is a strange place."

"Well tell me about your home planet."

"Oh, my planet is Elstaren, I am Princess there. It has beautiful rolling hills and a hidden waterfall that I would always sneak away to." I smile, the memories coming back to me

"So what happened? Why did you leave?"

"I would rather not talk of it." I sigh 

The memories start flooding back of my brother's glassy eyes looking towards the sky. The way Thanos apologized for killing him, he never meant it. He wanted to kill my entire family but he saw something in me. What was it?

"That's ok. Do you want to find the things you're looking for now?"

"I guess so."

We get up and I start walking around trying to find the perfect store. I walk in to one that seems like a good one. I find everything I need and Peter helps me carry all of it, I look out of a window and the sun is starting to set.

"So what exactly are we using these things for?" He asks me

"You'll find out soon enough." I smirk at him

What do you think Nevelia is making? I can't believe the Avengers went behind Nevelia's back!

Like I said last chapter I am so sorry for forgetting to post yesterday's so you can have them two together. Thank you guys so much for reading it means a lot to me, I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

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