Chapter Five

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Tony's POV

The poor kid stands there looking awkward, I look to someone to say something but they don't.

"Hi there Nevelia, would you like me to introduce you to the team?" I ask

She nods and I start listing them off one by one, it takes a little while but then when I'm finished she looks frightened. 

I walk over and whisper to her. "Hey kid you doing ok?" She shakes her head "Alright do you want me to take you somewhere you can rest?"

"Yes please." She says looking pale

"Princess Shuri could you-" I start but then she cuts me off

"Of course Tony, you two come with me." She smiles standing up and taking us somewhere

We walk up a winding staircase and to a simple room Nevelia thanks the Princess and closes the door. We start walking back down again, to a room full of idiots arguing.

"EVERYONE BE QUIET!" I yell standing at the front everyone looks to me

"Tony she..." Stephen starts "They killed most of her family she has no where to go, her home planet was taken over by Thanos and everyone was killed, we need to do something."

"Which planet?" I ask looking at him closely

"Elstaren she was the Princess there and watched her brother die when she was three."

I run my hand through my hair, this kid has been through some shit.

"Well that kid must be traumatized Nebula what do you think?" I ask her

She looks up from the spot she was sitting quietly in.

"I trained her alongside Gamora she is powerful, too powerful for her own good. She followed my father and trusted him more than me and Gamora combined. She could beat him in combat when he wasn't holding back, she did it in a minute without her magic and in a few seconds with. I think we take the power of the stones away from her, I don't think she can be trusted." The words hit everyone hard

I agree with Nebula but then again I don't.

"She knows how to transfer the magic from her to the stones? Right?" I ask Stephen who nods "I think we give this kid a chance, I think we leave her with her original powers and leave some of the power of the infinity stones with her. If that happens again and someone gets the stones if she has some of the magic they won't be able to do anything major."

Steve laughs at that suggestion, he shakes his head and I stare at him.

"Got something to say Cap? Because I'm sure we would love to hear it." I smirk at him sometimes he is dancing on my last nerve

"I say we kill her, she is unstable, she killed all of those space dogs with her original powers and barely batted and eyelash, she is dangerous!" He spits

"So are you and yet, here you are. 100 years old and unstable and you don't care when you kill people. She was sobbing after she killed her father knowing what she did. Sometimes I think your heart froze when you were in the snow and stayed like that. At least she has a heart!" I yell

This argument is getting way to heated. I look and see Peter deep in thought ignoring the chaos around him.

Peter Parker's POV

I can't stop thinking about her, how brave she was fighting and killing her father, I don't think I could do that.

"Peter what has got you in such deep thought?" Steve asks

"She was so brave fighting and killing her father knowing if she lost hold of him he would kill her, knowing that her actions had such big effects. She is only 16, she is younger than me and she did that. You want to kill a 16 year old girl because you don't know what she is capable of and you are afraid. I'm sorry but that doesn't sound like the Cap I know that sounds like a coward who is scared because he finally found someone more powerful. Kill her if you want but know if you do, you will have me to answer to because that is just idiotic doing that." I spit at him full of rage

Everyone falls silent at my comment and I sit back down.

"I'm sorry you are right that is unfair, but then what will we do?" He asks looking at me white in the face knowing I'm right

"I like the idea of only have a small amount of the stones with my magic because even I'm afraid of what I can do." Everyone turns their heads to see Nevelia standing there

My stomach flutters and my heart skips a beat. She has changed out of her armor and is now in just a casual t-shirt and jeans and yet she looks so beautiful.

"Alright then lets do it." Stephen says "That's a better idea than what we are thinking up."

She walks over to the table and places down the crystal clear stones. Her eyes close and a rainbow mist starts flowing out of her and to the stones each turning a more pastel color then before. The mist flies away into the air.

"There they have power in them just less." She smiles

"What about her living arrangements?" I ask curious

"She can live with me at the avengers base, she will be safe there." Tony says

"I'm not opposed to the idea." She smiles and my heart skips a beat again

"Cool." Tony says looking happy

"Thank you for all you did today you saved us." I smile giddily

"That's ok. Peter right?" She asks

I smile

"Yeah thats me Peter Parker."

"What about her schooling?" Bruce asks

"I would be happy to go to school I don't know how my smartness will compare to earth but I would be happy to try it." She says

Nevelia's POV

After hours of discussion I am now on my way to the Avengers base with Vision, Wanda, Nebula, Peter, Bruce, Steve, Bucky and Sam. I sit next to Peter my leg pressed up against his. I will be going to his school and will be announced to the public as Tony Stark's adopted daughter. Hopefully everyone likes me. 

Peter looks at me and smiles. "So what are your powers?" He asks

"Reading minds," He gulps at that "telepathy, telekinesis, the powers of the stones obviously and a few others."

"That's cool." He fakes

"Peter I just listed my powers, please don't lie to me, a good friendship cannot be based on lies." He nods and smiles a genuine smile "So what are your powers?"

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