Chapter Eight

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Nevelia's POV

As I work on my suit daylight filters through the windows but I have Adi block them not being used to sunlight. The suit is almost finished I just need to figure out how I will store it then I have a bright idea.

"Hey Adi are there tattoos on Earth?"

"Yes Nevelia they do what are you thinking of doing."

"Where did I put the nanobots?"

"They are in the metal storage box, what do you want to do?"

"What tattoo do you think I should do?"

"Nevelia you may be arrested if you are seen with that."

"Then I will add a feature so it may appear invisible."

"That is smart, what if Tony catches you?"

"Yes what if Tony catches you?" I turn to see Tony standing there

He doesn't look mad just amused.

"Mr Stark I am sorry-" I start

"Don't be sorry what are you working on?" He says walking closer "Are those nanobots?"

I take the box out of his hand and put it back down.

"Yes lord knows what would happen if you broke something."

"So what are you calling this project of yours?"

"Captain Infinity." I say stepping back to look at my designs

"Well, welcome to the avengers Captain Infinity." He smiles 

"Yes. I am quite proud of the suit, I had to make another element and metal so it could withstand the force of the stones."

"You made another element?"

"Yes I call it Eldenite."

"Eldenite sounds perfect, we have a press meeting in two hours to introduce you to the public." He says putting a hand on my shoulder

"Yes of course I will get ready." I go to move but his hand stays firm

"I would like you to meet someone first, this is my fiance Pepper."

I well dressed woman with blonde hair walks in and smiles at me.

"Hi there Nevelia would you like to come get ready with me?" She asks smiling

"Yes just let me get my jewelry." I smile

I reach for my necklace and ring and then walk to my room with her.

"So how are you?"

"Alright I've been inventing all morning so I'm well."

"What have you been inventing?" She asks

"This necklace and ring, they keep my powers at bay so that helps."

"Yes Tony did tell me about your powers, isn't that cool?" She smiles putting on make up

"I guess so." I say "Morph." 

I whisper and feel calm with powers flowing through my blood. My face clears and the bags under my eyes fade away, my lips turn a matte pastel red.

I walk to my changing room and put on a short floral dress perfect for the summer weather and slide on some matte blush pink and walk back to the bathroom, I look the best I really could. I run a hand through my long hair and my magic curls it. I slide the ring on and put in small earrings. I walk back out to the garage to see Tony working on my tattoo project I go to sit by his side.

"How are we going?" I ask him

"Good now I just need the design." He smiles at me

"Adi bring up designs one through five." I say

"Yes Nevelia." She says

Five holographs appear in front of us. One of Gamora's favorite dagger to honor her memory, one of Tony's old arc reactor to show I am his daughter now, the Elstaren royal family crest, an infinity symbol and the roses from the hill me and my brother would play on.

"The arc reactor is there." Tony says tears in his eyes

"Yeah to remind me that I am your daughter now and no longer Thanos'." A tear slides down his cheek at that

"Well what if you split the nanobots between all of the tattoo therefore it is quicker to get your suit on." 

"Perfect idea." I smile "Adi can you 3D print the tattoo templates?"

"Yes Nevelia." The 3D printer behind her starts whirring but I ignore it

I split the nano bots into five different boxes when Pepper comes in.

"We have a conference in Malibu to get to." She says and we nod getting up

We walk to a jet with a man called Happy in there too, he looks nice so I smile at him whenever he looks in my direction. A man called Rhodey is meant to meet us there. When we land a group of body guards come to escort us to the private waiting area where no one could see us.

"So Nevelia your name is going to stay the same apart from your last name it will be hyphenated so Nevelia Abrielle Esteran Donahue-Stark." He says to me from where he is sitting in his sharp suit

"Yes but at school for safety can we have it as Nevelia Donahue?" I ask

"People will recognize you but it that is what you want then yes." He says

Pepper smiles at me before walking out to address the reporters I can slightly hear her voice but not by much.

"Hello everyone I am Pepper Stark, I would first like to say thank you for coming. Questions will be answered when she comes out but until then please remain patient." She says confidently

She walks back in to us and smiles beckoning us out I walk with Tony by my side holding my hand for support. We walk and I stand in front of the podium smiling brightly. Camera's start flashing and people call out.

"Quiet please." And with that statement I silence everyone easily "My name is Nevelia Abrielle Esteran Donahue-Stark, I am the adopted daughter of Tony and Pepper Stark."

Everyone starts asking questions but I point to one who is still sitting in the chair polite.

"Hello Miss Donahue-Stark I'm Alice Vandaberg with Teen daily. Who are your biological parents and where are they?" She  asks politely 

"Well Miss Vandaberg, my biological parents are Abren and Felicity Donahue and they passed away when I was three." I say into the microphone and everyone goes silent "I have stayed with my families close friends until they have unfortunately been unable to care for me. I attended a Stark youth expo to show off my creations and both Tony and Pepper were interested I did not win first prize but Pepper was interested in me and came to see me a week later they adopted me."

Someone puts their hand up and I nod to them.

"Miss Donahue-Stark my condolences. What nationality are you?" He asks

"I am from California." I smile

I keep answering questions before Pepper says goodbye and we get back on the jet to go to New York. I am exhausted but everyone is proud of what great job I did answering those questions. When we land I immediately go to find Peter but his room is packed up.

"Sorry kid, left just before we got back, but you are starting school next week so you will see him there." I nod and walk back to the tech room to continue my work.

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