Chapter Six

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Nevelia's POV

We walk through the base as Tony gives me a quick tour. Then I bump into a man, he has an eye patch and he is tall.

"Hello there Nevelia come with me please." Before I can protest he drags me into an interrogation room and cuffs my hands

"Nicholas Fury, such a pleasure. Now I ask that you get me out of these cuffs, I know you know they don't work. I also know you are doing this to make you feel safe but I don't care get me out of these cuffs!" I yell pounding my fists on the table

"Having fun there because if that continues you will be there for a while." He smirks

"Tell me what you want and be done with it." I say staring him dead in the eyes

"Lets have a look at your file shall we." He smiles

He shows images of me from Elstaren my brother and mother too, then one of me with Thanos.

"Please close it, I don't want to look."

"Lets have a look at your kill count." He looks and drops the paper "Stay there."

I look at the paper and see my kill count, there is way more than that.

Fury's POV

"That girl has 12 million plus kills she is dangerous!" I yell at Tony

When he hears the number his face drains of color making him look like a corpse.

"12 million?" He asks for confirmation

"12 million bloody kills, and she has been in his clutches for 13 years!" I yell at him

"What do you want me to do?" He asks

I feel like tearing the hair from my head but thats how I became bald.

"Look you bring a dangerous woman here and expect her to integrate with society like she is normal that isn't going to happen Stark! You must be insane if you think she could be normal!"

"She isn't normal, and I am insane but I think we should give her a chance." He yells back

But then a blood curdling scream comes from the interrogation room. I look at Stark and turn the safety off on my gun running to the room. She is in the corner holding her head screaming like a mad man. I lift my gun up to shoot but Stark pushes me out the way. He runs to her and starts to comfort her.

Nevelia's POV

I can't breathe the haunting memory of all the deaths I caused come flooding back all at once, bile rises in my throat but I swallow it gasping to breathe. Tony sits beside me and does breathing exercises calming me down I can finally get in a proper breath. Hot tears streak my face and blur my vision as I look around. I am still in the interrogation room, Fury is there pointing a gun and Tony is by my side helping me breathe.

"You are ok. Deep breathes thats it follow my lead." He says hands on my shoulder

"Its wrong." I mumble to him

"Whats wrong?" Fury calls out

"The kill count it says 124,865 its off by a lot if you want it to be accurate then change it to 175,379 that is my kill count." I say panting

They both stare at me in horror, I look to my feet and the sneakers Shuri let me borrow.

"Shit." Fury says lowering his gun

"Bring me the stones I don't want their power anymore and take me to your best work shop." I say to Tony who nods

He takes me out past a gaping Fury and to a workshop where the pastel stones lie. I transfer the rest of the magic back and start getting to work building something, something to protect me. 

Tony watches in awe as I continue to work.

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