Chapter Twelve

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Tony's POV

I have been looking for half an hour until I get a call, it's Pepper. I have been looking through the forest but trying to find her seems like finding a nail in a haystack.

"Hey Pep, have you found her?" I ask 

"Listen Tony, something happened. I need you to come to the New York Memorial hospital, now." Her voice is full of tears

"Pep? Is everything ok?" I ask worry laced into my voice

My heart is pumping, my thoughts are racing trying to make sense of what she has said.

"Tony, just please get here. And fast."

I end the call and fly top speed to the hospital begging that everything will be ok. I land and let the nano technology slide into my reactor, I run through the hospital begging to find someone I recognise. 

A young nurse approaches, a sad look on her face.

"Mr. Stark, please follow me." She says in a soft voice

I follow her anxiously to a private room. All of the avengers are there, most of them look as though they have been crying. Pepper runs up to hug me, her tears make my shirt wet.

"Will someone please inform me what is happening?" I yell at them

"Tony, Nevelia. After she ran off she went into the city and." She has a sharp intake of breath followed by a sob "A car hit her."

My world starts spinning around me.

"Why the hell are we standing here then?" I yell at them "Where is she?"

"Tony she is in the operating room, when she is finished they will bring her into this room." Steve says from a chair

A door opens and an older man in a lab coat walks in.

"Hello everyone, I am Dr Caven I have been studying Ms Donahue-Stark's case and I would just like to give you an update on the surgery Dr Strange is going well and it should be finished soon. He is the best out there so I assure you that everything will be fine." He say looking to each of us

"I'm sorry, Doctor Strange?" I ask in disbelief

"Yes Doctor Stephen Strange, he volunteered for the surgery and he is the best we could find. He has an outstanding track record and I assure you the operation will go smoothly." He says

"What exactly happened to her?" I ask worried

"Well Miss Donahue-Stark was hit by a car going 65 miles per, exceeding the speed limit. The man has been taking into custody for questioning and it is unknown what charges he will get. Miss Donahue-Stark has had mutiple vertebrae slip out of place, her left leg is shattered, a fracture in her skull and her right wrist has been fractured. She is very lucky, we are surprised that she has survived and has not sustained more injury." He says reading off a chart

"So how will she recover?" I ask running a hand through my hair

"Well we believe your daughter will lose her mobility with the amount of damage her spine has endured." He says

"Meaning she will be unable to walk?" I ask and he nods

 Normally my brain should be able to comprehend this faster but in my state that is obviously not possible.

"I...I...I" I stutter

"I must be getting back to make sure everything is going smoothly in the operation room." I nod and he leaves

"The last thing she heard me say was that I thought she might accidentally kill someone." I breathe

"Tony, please don't do that to yourself. Don't go down that path." Pepper says to me

I look to her sadly, tears filling my eyes. She hugs me tight and I cry into her shoulder.

Nevelia's POV 

I wake up, my head is pounding but it swiftly goes away. I am in a white room, it reminds me of the med bay in Thanos' ship. I try to get up, to me away out of it, but my legs won't follow they are filled with pain.

What if I am back in Thanos' ship? What if I failed?

Tony comes and sits beside me, red puffy eyes.

"Hey there, how are you feeling?" He asks shyly

"Where am I? What happened to me?" I say tears forming in my eyes

He sympathetically rubs a hand on my leg, but the sensation feels muted. Odd.

"Everything is ok now, but you were in a car crash."

"What about my healing factor? I should be up and running and fighting by now!"

"Your healing factor stopped you from dying or going into a coma. If you didn't have your healing factor I am sure you wouldn't be here."

"No my healing factor it should still be working, its stronger then that!"

"I'm sorry Nevelia, but I promise you will be ok."

I look at him with disbelief, I should be fine I'm always fine. But he just shakes his head. A strange man comes in and looks to me.

"Hello Ms Donahue-Stark. I am glad you are awake, how are you feeling?" He asks kindly consulting a chart

"I don't need to be here, let me leave." I look at him

"I'm sorry Miss Donahue-Stark but in your current condition I would like to keep you here for two more days and then you should be able to be relocated back to the Avengers Facility." He looks at me with sadness

"I would like to be moved to the Avengers facility now!" I say to him with determination 

"How about we strike up a deal?" He asks

I raise my eyebrow in curiosity. "Elaborate?"

"You may be moved to the Avengers facility tomorrow, but you may listen to my rules. And be careful so you can heal appropriately."

"What are your rules, exactly?" I draw out the exactly

"No getting out of bed, no tampering with the wound, no walking and no moving around to much."

I hate them, I will still break them. He will just never know.

"Deal, but make it tonight and I'll be extra careful." Lies

"We will see how the results from the tests are."

I nod and he walks off and out the room.

"So what happened?"

"Well you got hit by a car and your leg left is completely shattered, right wrist is fractured, some of your vertebrae have been unaligned and fracture in your skull. God you are so lucky it wasn't worse." He says to me

"And what did my healing factor stop?"



"The other avengers are out there waiting to see you, do you want me to call them in?"

"All of them?"

"Yeah all of them."

"Just bring in Stephen first I need to talk to him." I say

He nods and leaves. Stephen comes back in with Tony.

"Just Stephen, Tony."

He nods and leaves, Stephen comes to sit down next to me. But he is wearing scrubs, my mind makes the connection.

"Thanks for doing the surgery." I smile at him

He smiles back, he has bags under his eyes and he looks exhausted.

"Its fine. What did you want to talk about?"

"When I get back to the base, I need the stones. I need my gear. I can fix myself, but they wouldn't let me go right away." I say to him

His expression is emotionless and then he starts to talk.

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