~in a rush~

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Benjis POV:
*phone alarm rings*
"Jeez!" I press stop on my timer and get up out of bed and go to the bathroom. Shoot, I have 10 minutes.
I rush around, trying to pack my school bag and eating breakfast. I hop in the shower with my toothbrush in my mouth and quickly put some painted jeans and a white t shirt on. I slip a denim jacket on,  grab two granola bars and rush out the door.
"Few" I say to myself as I slow down and open one on the granola bars and eating it.

Jorges POV:
"Dammit!" I'm late.
I just moved here from Barcelona and I'm trying to improve on my English so I try to speak as much of it as possible.
I dunk my head in the sink and was my hair, I couldn't be bothered to wash myself since I only had 5 minutes. I spray on some deodorant and put on my jeans and button up stripy shirt. I had no time for breakfast so I run out the small apartment and leg it half the way.

*jey bumbs into benji*

I see all my books fall on the floor. Oh god this is embarrassing.

"I'm so sorry!" I say with my staggered accent
"Hey it's fine" he says back to me as he helps out all my books back in my bag

I feel my face going red and I thank him.

Benjis POV:
I dash out the door and bumb into a boy on the way.

" I'm so sorry!" He practically shouts with a strong Spanish accent.

"Hey it's fine" I say back. I see his face going red and I help home put his books into his bag.

"Umm, I'm benji" I say with a big smile on my face.
" I'm Jorge, but you can call me jey." He says in return.

" what school do you go to?" I ask him.
"Well ehh I just moved here from Barcelona and ehh I go to greenwood high" he says, trying to speak as fluent English as he can. He is so adorable.
He has jet black hair and a small nose with a generous amount of faint freckles.

" oh good, I go to greenwood to!" Do you have your schedule?"

"Ehh yes it's on my phone hold on"
He gets out his phone and shows me his time table. We have nearly all the same lessons apart from maths and science.

"Oh cool we have nearly all the same lessons!" I say ( maybe a little too loud )

He grins at me and says
" ok we should keep walking"
" yeah probably a good idea" we chuckle together and walk down the road.

Ok that was my first chapter🤞🏻 as you can tell I'm not the best at writing but yanno, ya got what ya got👉🏻👈🏻
Tell me what you want me to write about in the comments and I'll look through them 🙂

Word count: 494

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