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Benjis POV:
We walked out the restaurant hand in hand and I turn to Jorge and see his face light up. I look where he was and and sigh.
He drags me into the whole full of stuffed animals. He tries to reach up to the top shelf but couldn't reach. He looked at the pink elephant and sighed and started to walk out the shop.

"Hey where are you going don't you want it?"

"I-i can't reachh."he whines with a sad tone.

"I'll get it for you". I say to him. He smiles a big smile and his eyes widen.

I grab the pink elephant and I throw it at him. He glares at me and I laugh and pull him into a hug.

He goes to get out his wallet and I put my hand on his and push it down.

"I'll get it bub"

"Nyuu Benjiii" He says

I still pull out my wallet and pay. I'm giving the man the money and Jorges face scrunches. He starts to walk off with the teddy and reaches for my hand.
I take the change and thank the man while walking out with Jorge.

"Can we get ice cream?" I say to him.

"I swear your always hungry" he says and he grins at me.

I tilt my head with a straight face and h laughs at me.
He grabs my hand and takes me into the ice cream parlour.

I press my hands against the glass and my mouth waters at the sight of the many different flavours of ice cream.

Jorge obviously picks out the pink strawberry and I pick out exotic mango.

I get out my wallet again but Jorge stuffs the money into the cashiers hand.
I give him a straight face and tried to put his money down put the cashier already took it.

He skips out the shop and he go outside and sit on the grass in front of a tree. Somehow he managed to get it all around his mouth and so I open tik tok and film him eating.
I giggle while filming and while the ice cream up off his chin with my finger and while it I his mouth.
(Yall seen the vid right?)

He posts it and the likes and comments flood in.

"Eww benjii" he whines

"What it's cute!" I giggle.

We finish up our ice creams and we walk to his car I buckle him in and I hear him say,

"I'm not a baby benji"
"But your my baby Jorge"

He smiles and I get in the drivers seat.

Jorges POV:

He starts to drive to mine. He unbuckles me from the car and carries me bridal style up the yard.
He puts me down on the door and we knock on it together.
My uncle opens it and I gulp. Benji stares at me and he could see I must of been going pale.

"Are you ok?" Benji says to me and I grab his hand.

"Can we u-umm g-get I-n?" I say

"I don't let fags into the house" he shouts.

"Hey man just let us in," Benji says calmly.

My uncle grabs him me by neck and Benji pushes him over.

"What the hell man!" Benji shouts.

My uncle stands up and grabs him by the collar and punches him straight in the eye continuously.
I stood there in shock as my uncle was punching his limp body.
I try to pull him back but he pushed me over and my arm cracked against the doorstep. I screech in pain but I need to help Benji.

The door slams open and my dad comes out and starts punching him trying to help Benji. My mum comes out to me while on call to 911. She lies me down with her phone to her ear. She walks over and tries to push my uncle off Benji but he carries on punching.
I see Benjis eyes close. So I stand up and with all my force I kick him in the head.
My uncle flops to the side unconscious and I run to Benji with tears streaming down my face. Benji pulls me into a hug and kisses me.

He tries to stand up and I help him get inside. My arm luckily isn't broken but it's badly bruised. I hear the police cars coming round the corner of the street and we both look out the window at my uncle getting in the police car. I smile but get back to benji.
I lie him down on the sofa and put a couple pillows behind his head. I run and get a cold flannel and put them on the cuts on his head while he holds my hand. I put my hand on his stomach accidentally and he winces from pain.

I take his shirt off and I'm shocked at the sight. He had too many bruises to count and loads of cuts on his body. His legs were ok which was good.
My mum comes inside and helps me with Benji. She rings his mum and tells her what happened. His while family was out so they couldn't help him but they thanked us and my mum ended the call.

My dad comes in after my mum and apologises. He helps me get Benji upstairs and he was having struggles getting upstairs.

"Thanks dad" I say with tears in my eyes.

He walks out and heads down stairs. I help Benji get dressed and I cuddle into his side without hurting him and I feel him kiss my head and fall asleep.


Jeez that was...eventful? Sorry this is so bad I'm the worst writer in the world😂🥺🤡

This is unedited so sorry if it's bad it's like still burning up in Hawaii.

Anyway thanks for reading!! -Emma 💞


Word count: 985

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