~the worst morning~

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Jorges POV:

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window and the sound of the shower coming from the small room next to me.
Oh god. Where am I. Have I been kidnapped? (😂 sorry)
The sounds of the shower stop and benji comes out in a towel and his wet hair dripping onto the floor.
Oh yeah, I'm at benjis.

"Hey gorgeous". He says
My face must be red because it feels incredibly hot.
"Hi" I say back.

He pulls out a hoodie from his wardrobe and some slightly longer shorts for me.
He gets some black jeans and a grey t shirt for him.
"Come and get em" he says with a grin. Obviously wanting to see me half naked😒

I stand up and make my way over to my clothes. I grab his cheeks, squishing his face and grinning before waking back to the bed and putting on the clothes.
He stared at me with his mouth half open at what I just did and walked over to me.
He picked me up by me neck and pressed me against the door and smirks. He kisses me roughly and walks into the bathroom after 5 minutes.
He comes out in his clothes and when I'm dressed he grabs my hand and takes me down stairs.

There's a note on the fridge and Benji reads it out to us.

Benjis POV:

He walks over to my clothes and squishes my face with his hands and stares me in the eyes while biting his lip.
He grabs the clothes and walks over to the bed and starts to get dressed.
I walk over to him and grab him by the neck. I push him against the door and kiss him roughly before walking off and getting changed in the bathroom.

I knew he was shocked because of the small gasp he lets out.
When I got changed I pull him downstairs and we found a note on the fridge.

I read it out to us both. It said;
we've left town. Your dad was angry that Jorge was here and he stormed out with lots of our stuff. Me rowy, and the rest of your siblings are looking out for him with the police while we stay at your nans house. I'm so sorry but you need to find an apartment far from here. He might return so I left you with a stack of  $1,500 In 50 dollar notes from the money he didn't take, Remember to get food and water and look after yourselfs. Pack some clothes and get out of there .Your dad won't be back for atleast 2 days so try and find somewhere to stay before he comes back.
I love you both so much and we will come and visit. Bye for now.

Jorges POV:

I watch benji read the note. my mouth wide open at the words he is telling me. His voice gets raspy and I see tears falling down his face

"...bye for now" he finishes the note and looks at me. Tears roll down my face and he starts crying hysterically and kneels down on the floor with his head in his hands.
I hear his loud sobs and I kneel down on the floor infront of him and bring him into the tight hug.
His head fits perfectly in the curve in my neck and we sit there for 10 minutes crying together on the floor.
We stand up and I grab his hands and look around the house.
It has been trashed into bits and pieces. The tv was broken, the flower pots where on the floor with soil seeping our of them, the chairs and table had been flipped over and there were broken pictures on the floor.
Benji and me walk slowly around the house. He kneels down and picks up one of the broken picture frames with his family in and he takes out the picture and holds it to his chest.
He starts crying again and I pull him into a hug.

"Benji we need to ehh, pack some of your stuff so we can leave".

"Jorge, we have knowhere to go" He says back.

"We can got to my house. Both my parents are really supportive and they would let you stay in any situation"

He smiles a big teethy smile and picks me up and I rap my legs around his waist.

"Let's go and pack some stuff" I say into his neck which muffled the sound, but he still understood what I said.
He put me down and took my hand while walking upstairs.
This is gunna be a long day.


Ooh we live some drama.
I know Benji and jorges parents are probably the most understanding people but I thought we would add some tea☕️

Word count: 812

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