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Benji POV
Me and Jorge walked into the school halls admiring the freshly painted walls and shiny floor. He looked nervous being in his first English school, but before I could say anything to him, the school bell rang loudly on our ears.

"OW" we both shout in shock of the massive bell erupting in our ears. We both laughed and stared each other in the eyes. He's so cute.

We snap out of our daydreams and head over to the first class. Maths. I sit down in my space and the teacher asks Jorge to stand with him so he could introduce home to the class.

"Everyone, this is Jorge, why don't you tell us a bit about you?"

"Ehh, umm ok"

I could tell he was nervous by the pale look in his face and the way he stutters in his adorable accent. I look at him and mouth,
"it's fine"

"Ehhh ok , I came from b-Barcelona, and as y-you can probably tell, e-English isn't my first ehh, language." He giggled and everyone giggled back.

His accent was so cute.

"Ok Jorge, there's a spare seat over there next to benji."

He smiled at me a hobbled over excitedly. I'm so glad he's sitting next to me.

Jorges POV:
I got my introduction over with and the class giggles with me, which is what I was hoping for.

"Ok Jorge, there's a spare seat over there next to benji."

Yes!. I thought to myself, a seat next to benji!

I hobbled over to him and sat at the desk. We both looked into eachothers eyes. His eyes were big and brown with freckles of gold in them.

We teacher yelled at some student over the class and we both snapped out of our daydream.

An our later, the bell rang loudly and everyone flooded out the class, pushing eachother and yelling.
I took my time and so did benji. We shoved our backpacks on our backs and strolled out the classroom side by side.

Our next class was English. Oh jeez I was dreading this. The bell rang and we went to sit down next to each other.
I didn't say much because, well, I can't. And if I did say anything, it would be to benji who answered a lot of questions.
He is really smart, I thought to myself and found myself staring at him.

" why don't you take a picture it will last longer." He said with a grin and a slight giggle,

I could feel myself going red and I laughed and stared down at my book awkwardly.

I hope you enjoyed this part and if you did then, umm, yay?

Word count: 453

Benjey🍓🍌Where stories live. Discover now