~the hallway~

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Jorges POV:
We just came out of class and strolled to the canteen. Benji was popular and so everyone knew not to mess with him.
We walked down the hallway and I received a few weird looks but I carried on walking.

"What you staring at huh?" Benji spoke loudly.
They looked down saying nothing.

"Yeah that's what I thought". He said.
I smiled to myself looking down knewing they couldn't do anything about it.

"FAG!" They shouted and all laughed to eachother.

"What did you say?" Benji said with anger in his eyes. The boys looked scared but maintained there place.

"Huh? I cant hear you!" Benji shouted.

A crowd started to form around us and I tried to pull benji back but he wouldn't budge.

"Benji it's fine". I say

He looked at me with his big brown eyes and looked at the boys.

He grabbed one of the boys collars and held him close to his chest. "Next time it'll be your neck" Benji said in a tone I've never heard him use before.
The boys whimpered and backed up when benji let go. He grabbed my hand and stormed off.

He calmed himself down and sat in a chair with his leg bouncing up and down in discomfort and with one of his hand on the side of his head.

"Thank you benji" I say quietly and look down at the floor.

"It's ok, I just hate people like that". He raised his voice. I went and bought him some water and he calmed down. The bell rang in our ears and he stood up and walked me to our lesson.

Benjis POV:

"FAG!" Someone yelled.

I turned around. I was furious knowing he was talking to Jorge.

"What did you say?" I said trying to hold back my anger.
There was no answer.

"What? I can't hear you?" I shouted.

I heard jorges voice and his cute accent,
"Benji it's fine"

No it's not, I thought to myself. I stomped up to him and grabbed him by his collar.
I wanted to punch him so bad but I knew Jorge would hate me.
"Next time, it'll be your neck" I said, almost whispering but so everyone could hear.
His friends backed up and when I let go of his collar he did too.

I grabbed his hand and stormed off. Jorge led me to the canteen and got me some water. I took a swig and calmed down.

"Thank you benji" I heard a quiet voice and jorges cute accent. I smiled.
"It's ok, I just hate people like that" .

I looked out of the window and then the bell rang in our ears. We went off to our next lesson with Jorge next to me the whole time. I didn't let him out of my sight. I couldn't. This boy somehow stole my heart and I couldn't have him in any danger.

We sat down in class and I was still flustered and angry. I felt a hand on mine and Jorge gave me a look which calmed me down. He put his water on my desk because I finished mine and I took it.

"Are you sure you don't want it?" I said.

"It's ehh fine" he said back at me.

I drank some and put the lid back on and we focused on the lesson with his hand still in mine.
I smiled to myself and looked forward.

Ok sorry I'm not very good at this stuff😂 anyway thanks for reading and stay tuned for the next chapter probably in the next couple hours.

Thanks and baiiiiiiiiiii🤰🏼🍌🍓🤡🤡

Word count:608

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