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Jorges POV:

We walk upstairs hand in hand and we go through benjis clothes and I fold them and put them in his case.
I hear muffled cries coming from the bathroom and I walk in there to see benji leaning against the sink crying into his hands. I feel tears starting to form in my eyes, but I shake my head and hold them back.
I come up behind him and hug him. He melts into the hug and turns around. He is trying to hide his face but I grab it and look him in the eye.
His hand goes to the back of my neck, and I kiss him. Harder then I've ever kissed anyone before.
After 5 minutes, I pull away. He has his hands around my waist in two fists and my hands wrap around his neck. He puts his chin on the top of my head and I look down and his t shirt he put in which was damp from tears.

"You can stay in here, I'll finish packing for you" I said to him so he could calm down more and sit in the bathroom.

"No no it's fine" he reaches for my hand and interlocks it with mine.

We walk into his room and carry on packing. We pack the essentials like toothbrushes and toothpaste (since we would be staying at mine for a bit) and we pack some of benjis hoodies for me.
He throws the packed suitcase on the bed and pulls me next to him so we are lying down facing eachother. I cuddle into his chest and he snakes his arms around my back. We sit there for a bit longer before we get shocked by the door being kicked.

"OPEN UP IDIOTS!" We hear benjis dad shout through the door.
I start to panick. I've had panic attacks before and I feel like I might have another one. The banging gets louder and louder and I find its getting harder and harder to breath.

Benjis POV:

We hear a loud knocking on the door, meh, probably just mail.
The knocking get louder and louder until we hear,

Crap. It's my dad.

I look at Jorge. He has gone pale and I can see he is finding it hard to breathe.

"It's ok! Just breath in through your nose and out of your mouth." I can feel jorges breathing and when I know he is capable of doing it himself I grab my office chair and prop it against the door do knowone can get in.

We hear one large bang and we hear,


Jorge starts to panick even more and I look round for a solution. Nothing we are stuck in here.
My head turns to the bathroom and I grab jorges hand, and the suitcase and run into the bathroom. I grab the window key from the top of the cabinet and i try to unlock the window.
"Open it Benji!"
I hear a suttle panicked voice coming from behind me.
My dad is on the second floor. Looking for us.
The key goes in the lock and I twist it and it opens wide. I grab Jorge and push him onto the roof along with the suitcase.

I hear the footsteps of my dad running up the stairs and I climb out the window and lock it form the outside. I put the key in my pocket and me and jorge run across the roof tops and climb down the ladder onto the second floors roof.
Luckily, the drop from the second floor and the garden isn't big so be jump down together hand in hand, and my other hand on the suitcase and we drag it down.
We can hear my dads footsteps from outside the building. We can hear him running down stairs onto the second floor and then to the first.
"Come on Jorge theres a way we can get out from that hedge which leads onto the main road!" I say and he looks back and nodds.

I turn and push him through the hedge, and then the suitcase which Jorge drags from the other side, and then I climb through myself. We run down the streets and I hear footsteps coming from behind us.
My dad is chasing us.
We weave in and out of building until we lose him.
We make our way to jorges house and we climb over the hedge in the back so my dad doesn't know where we are. Jorge has the key to his doors in his pockets and he opens the back door.
His parents got back from there holiday yesterday and so we could hear the tv going on the other room. Jorge locks the back door and we both breath a sigh of relief.

"Mama?" Jorge says.
"Jorge!" She pulls him into a hug and so does his dad. Both of there eyes go to be and I smile and say hi.

"Who's this Jorge?" His mum says with a smile.
I can hear the Spanish in her voice, but she doesn't speak as fluent as Jorge.

"This is Benji mamá do you mind if he stays with us for a bit?" His mum and dad shake there head in approval.
Jorge looks at me with an excited look and grabs my hand. His parents look down at our hands and Jorge let's go. I can see his face flush red with embarrassment. I scratch the back of my neck and stare at Jorge.

"Awww Jorge is In love, Jorge is in love" his brother shouts through the room.
"Shut up," He says back.

"Well we don't care who you love Jorge, aslong as your happy." His dad says, and his mom nods.
We smile at eachother and he grabs my hand.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" His mom says.

I see Jorge is about to tell everyone what happened but looked at me.

I nod at him and jorges mum takes us to the sofa. I sit down and Jorge sits next to be and rests his head on my shoulder. I rest my neck on his head and Jorge starts telling the story.

*10 minutes later*
Jorge finishes up the story and I feel tears dwelling up in my eyes. I look away to try and hide them but I see Jorge crying too.
We look at eachother and he hugs into me.
His mum is in tears at the story, and his dad is trying to hold them back.

I release my sob which I've been holding in and Jorge looks at the me and pulls me into a hug. He hides his face in my neck and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"That was very brave Benji, and thanks for putting our Jorge first."

"It's fine. I have to make sure he's safe before I can save myself."

Jorges dad stands up and shakes my hand and jorges mum hugs me.

"Thank you, really."

I nod and Jorge takes my hand and pulls me upstairs.

"We're going upstairs now mamá" Jorge says and she nods and we go upstairs hand in hand.

We get to his room and we get changed into our pyjamas. I'm wearing some pyjama pants and no shirt and Jorge wears one of my large hoodies.
We get under the covers and Jorge cuddles into my side.


Jeez this was a long one. I hope you enjoyeeeddddd🤡🤡

Word count: 1263😳😳

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