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jorges POV:

I felt an arm snake around my waste and I looked up in shock. I sighed when I saw benji. He looked down at me and could tell I've been crying. He spoke to me in Spanish which helped me calm down

"Está bien, no tengas miedo, estoy aquí y te tengo. Ponte debajo del paraguas y te ayudaré a caminar."
( I'll let yall figure that out)

The way the Spanish words roll off his tounge calms me down and he helps me breath. He puts his arm around my waste again and helps me walk after my panic attack.

*2 minutes later*

We walk into benjis house. It was a lot bigger then I expected and it had a big conservatory and soft carpets.

He sat me down on the stairs and helps me take my shoes off while I focus on my breathing, still shaken up from my panic attack.
He stares up at me and smiles warmly.

"mom!" He shouts.
"What benji?" She replies.

She walkes round the corner and sees me. Her smile turns into a sorrowful look and she came over to me and helps benji with my shoes.

"Oh my god Jorge your soaked!" She sounded worried. She ran into the living room and threw some blankets on benji which made me laugh. Benji and his mom help put blankets around me and benji sits behind me on the next step and he runs his hands through my hair and helps me breath.

As soon as I fully calm down and can focus on my breathing by myself, I look at benji and he helps me stand up.

"Hey mom?" He says with his deep voice, still running had hands through my hair.


"I'm taking Jorge to my room so he can change into something else!" He shouts through the corridor to her.

"Ok! Come down in 45 minutes for dinner'l she shouts back.

"We will!" He says while helping me walk up stairs since my legs were shaking from the cold.

We walk through his big house and up a second set of stairs and into his room.

Benjis POV:

I walk Jorge up to my room after he meets my mum and we both help him.
I sit him down on my bed and rap my blanket around him to help him get warmer.
I stand up to get more blankets when I feel a wave of guilt wash over me. I feel so terrible and a few tears escape my eyes.
I stand in the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, fully crying. I look at the floor and see tear drops wet the mat underneath me. I feel someone turn me around and pull me into a hug. I feel jorges wet clothes on my body but I couldn't care less, I needed this.

"It's ok, I'm ehh fine" He whispers in my ear and he rests him head inbetween my shoulder and my jawline.
I pull him in tighter and after 2 more minutes of me crying, and him rocking me side to side I pull away and smile. I look down at him and see his smile get bigger and he holds my hand.

"Can, ummm..... can I kiss you?" I ask him.

Without an answer, he pulls me in from the back of my neck and our lips touch. I feel a wave of shock and energy flow through my body and I ease into the kiss.

I spin him round and put him on my counter without breaking the kiss.

After 5 minutes, he pulls away and smiles at me.
I smile back and help him of the counter. His clothes still soaking and mine now were too.

"You should change." I say.

"The only clothes I brought were a sweater and ehh, some shorts, but they kinda got a bit wet." He stutters.

"You can borrow some of mine" I say to him.

He smiles and I take his hand and walk back into my bedroom. I sit him down on the bed and he shivers again from the cold.

I look through my wardrobe and find one of my sweaters and throw it in the bed next to him.

I look through his bag to put his spare clothes on my radiator.

"Your shorts are still bone dry, you can wear them". I say to him.

"Ok" he replies and I throw them on the bed next to him aswell. He walks into the bathroom to get changed and I get changed into a sweater and a pair of shorts that I sleep in.

When I'm dressed, I grab my laptop and get a few dry blankets and pillows and set up a cozy place for where Jorge and I could watch the movie. 

He peeks his head around the door and says giggling,
"Benji, it looks like I'm naked" he laughs and I laugh with him.

"It's fiiineeee," I reply and he walks through the door.

"Oh yeah, it is a bit short" I grin
" oh well" I say afterwords and he walked up to me and plops himself down on the bed next to me.

I think I'm in love.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! This was quite a long one soo sorryyy😬
Anyway I thought this was quite fluffy and cute so yeahhh....
I love reading your comments it makes my day tbh,
The next one will be out soon!

Word count: 919🤪

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