~worlds worst dad~

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Unedited 💅🏼


Jorges POV:
Benjis phone pings so he looks down at it and his face turns white. He starts breathing heavily and I reach for his hand under the table. He jumps but grabs it.

"Are you ok? You look ill."

"I'm-I'm f-fine" he said back. He obviously wasn't, but I didn't want to stress him out more so inept quiet.

After another 2 minutes I hear his phone ping again.
He looks down at his phone and I see tears dwelling in his eyes.

"Banjo, show me your phone. Now."

His hands are shaking and his breathing is heavy. He stands up and runs to the bathrooms and I follow behind him. I hear him crying and I walk in and lock the door.

"Banjo, what's wrong?"

He lifts up his phone and I see a message from his dad. My face drops and I take his phone slowly from his hands. I swipe up on his phone and I type in his password.

I look at the picture and tears form in my eyes.

"Banjo we have to get out of here NOW!"

He snatches the phone and looks at the image in shock.

Benjis POV:

I grab the phone and stare at the image. It's us, sitting in the corner of the Taco Bell on our table. My dad knows we're here and has been watching our every move.
I sling the backpack over my back and grab jorges hand I slowly open the door a couple centimetres and look up. I see a man. Towering over us with his fists up.
I look at the face and I see that same evil smile I've been seeing for the past 18 years.

I ran the door shut but it pushes back almost knocking me over. Jorge stand up and pushes on it with me and when it slams shut we lock it and look for some way to get out.

We run around to the sound of my dad knocking on the door and jorges crying. I would do anything just to stop everything and hug him but I can't.

I see another window which temas slightly open and I throw the backpack out and lift Jorge up on my shoulders and out the window for the second time in the past few days. I k ow Jorge is dafe because I still hear the knocking on the door.
I step out the window and grab jorges hand and leg it. We hide in a massive bush and I hug him. He is still crying and he hides his face in my chest. I help him breath and I wrap my arms around him and he sits on my lap. I put my chin on the top of his head and rock him quietly. We can still hear the knocking until we hear a loud crash.

I hear him shouting and smashing things inside. I sway Jorge side to side and I hear my dad climb. I cover jorges mouth with my hand and after 5 minutes of hearing his dad running  he around, he leaves. I look out the bush and see my dad walking down the street.

I pull Jorge out the bush and we run to the car. We get in the drivers seat together and he's sitting in my lap in a ball crying into my neck. I run my hands through my hair and I sit jorge down in between my legs so we are both looking forward. I wanted him to be as close to me as I can. I put the belt around both of us and I start driving.

Jorge falls asleep with his head on my chest and we make it back to his house without being caught.
I take the seat belt off us and wrap him around my waist with his head resting on my shoulder. I walk through the door and I wave to jorges family who must of gotten back a while ago. I point to Jorge who's still fast asleep. His arms are wrapped around my neck and he legs are wrapped around my waist. My hands are in the back of his thies and his hair is in my face.
His family nods and I walk up the stairs with him still in my arms.

I slip off his shorts and shirt and put one of my large sweaters on him.
I rest him in bed and get changed myself. I put on some knee length shorts and get Ik next to him. I feel his arms wrap around my neck and I cuddle him back and we fall asleep.




Word count: 784

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