~cosy pt2~

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Jorges POV:

It looks like I'm half naked.

Benji said he doesn't mind, an to be honest, I don't mind eather.
I see that he's set out loads of pillows and blankets and I jump in bed next to him and stare him in his big brown eyes.

" I think we should do start the project now, and then after dinner we can w-watch a movie m-maybe?" He stuttered, he sounded nervous, but who was I to say no?

"Yes!" I fist pump the air and bounce on my knees.
He giggles at me and I flop back down into his stomach.

We lay there for a couple minutes, enjoying eachothers company, when I say,

"We should ehh, start this project now"

He smiles and grabs his laptop and opens up a writing document. He writes the title and starts to write.

"Nyuuu it needs to be colourful and exciting" I. Say to him.

"Ughhh finee" He says back and I yank the computer off his lap and I start to get to work.
He stokes my hair from my forehead, back to the back of my head as I carry on with the documentary.

After 5 minutes, I finish with the title and I chuck the laptop at him. He jumps up and I laugh at him.

"Your laugh is so cute" He says to me, which makes me blush and I stare down at the bed.

He lifts up my chin with his finger I looks at me. He pulls me in and I kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck and the kiss got more passionate.

"Benji!" His mum shouts down.

We jump back in shock and we try to catch our breath.

"Yeah?" He shouts back.

"Dinners ready!" She shouts up to us.

"Ok won't be a minute!" He says back.

We've been kissing for 25 minutes. And none of us knew. We both giggled and looked down at the bed, both embarrassed, and I get off his lap and make my way down stairs with him next to me.

Benjis POV:

My mum shouts us down for dinner and we break up our kiss. We both look embarrassed but we were still smiling and trying to catch our breaths. He shuffles off my lap and grabs my hand and takes my downstairs.

We walk into the kitchen and my mum and rowy look at Jorge with a shocked look.

"What?" I say and look at Jorge confused. I realise what's wrong and laugh.

"Whhattt?" He sounds annoyed and looks at me.
I put my arm around his shoulders and lift up his sweater.
"He's wearing shorts I promise" I say to them still while laughing hysterically.

"Oohhh that's why!" He face goes bright red and he hides his face in my neck.
I pull him out and turn him to face me, still laughing and his face is still red.
I lead him to the table and sit him down. I shuffle my chair and sit next to him.

"Are you sure it's fine if I have dinner here Mrs krol?" Jorge says politely. My mum and I smile and look at him.
"You can stay for dinner any time you want Jorge." She says back and I let out a sigh of relief. We finish our dinner and Jorge grabs our plates and put them in the dishwasher.

"Thanks so much Jorge" my mum says.

"It's fine Mrs krol." He says back.

"Ok mom were going up to my room, jorge is probably gunna sleep here if that ok?" I was nervous of what she was gonna say, but she okayed it and I grabbed jorges hand and we ran upstairs and dropped down on my bed with Jorge cuddling into my side. I turn round and pick him up and lay him against all of my pillows which I set up earlier and grab my laptop and put on a movie.
Jorge cuddled into my side and after about an hour of watching the movie, I heard a few quiet snores coming from his way, so I put my laptop on the floor, move a few of my pillows, and lye Jorge carefully under the sheets, trying not to wake him.
I lye down next to him, kiss his forehead and pulled the quilt over both of us.

"Goodnight benji" Jorge says with and quiet voice.
"Goodnight mi amor" I say back and kiss his forehead. He smiles, and then we both fall asleep in eachothers arms.


Okayyyy..... that was super fluffy ( and unedited ) so soryyyyy....

Word count: 770

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