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Jorges POV:

I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon and walk down stairs.
Benjis hoodie comes right past the back of my thies so I don't need to change.

I walk down and hug him from behind and sway him back and forth.

"Hey banjo"

"Hey bubba"

"What time is it?" I ask him.

"Well we have 30 minutes until we have to be at school so we have time to eat and get changed and all that".

He turns around and hands me my pancakes with strawberry's and bananas on them and on the side there was some bacon. I smile and thank him.

We sit on the sofa and watch the tv together before Benji sits up and puts the plates in the dishwasher and takes me upstairs.
His eyes is still bruised but him lip swelling has gone down. It's still pretty swollen but it's not as bad as yesterday.

He gets me some painted jeans and a shirt and gets himself the same. We find his fingers through his hair and we walk to school hand in hand.

We walk through the school gates and through the door.
Syd runs to us and hugs me. I hug him back and he looks at Benji.

"OMG Benji what happened!!" He hugs him and he winces in pain from the cuts on his back. They have nearly healed over bug they still sting.

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok syd"

"So What happened!"

He sounds really shocked but Benji tells him the story before the bell rings in our ears.

"But I'm fine" Benji said to him.

"Ok good, but if you need anything ask me. I need to get to class so byeee" he waves and we wave back and make our way to maths.

We walk in hand in hand and Benji gets a few sorrowful looks. He scratches the back of his head and me walk to our desk at the back.

"Are you ok Mr.krol?" The teacher asked.

I could feel all the eyes on us but I held Benjis hand and looked at him.
He looked at me and the rest of the people and stuttered,

"Uhh y-Yeah I'm f-fine"

"Ok if you need anything just ask"

He nods and I grip his hand harder. He stunts and smiles at me. He scoots his chair and desk up next to mine quietly so knowone could hear and I rest my head on his shoulder.

I can see him struggling with the work so I help him and he looks at me.
I lift my hand up and gently touch his bruised eye. I see him tearing up and he whispered,

"Why would your uncle ever do this"

"I don't know Benji" I sigh and rub his back.

He grips my hand again and we sit there quietly. He rubs his thumb on my hand and puts his other hand on his head.

"I live you banjo"

"I live you too bubba"

I kiss him without anyone seeing and he looks at me and gets on with his work with his hand still in mine.
After 10 minutes the bell rings and we head off to our next lesson.

Benjis POV:

I feel safe when I'm with Jorge and I feel protected when he holds my hand.

The bell rings in our ears and we leave the maths room.

I get a few stares but they don't look mean like normal when I'm with Jorge, but they look sad for me. I smile and wave and addy and syd and carry on walking with Jorge still holding my hand. We get to our locker which were only a few away from eachother and I look in the mirror I placed at the back of it. I fix up my hair and I see jorges face pop up in the corner. I laugh at his childish actions and hug him.

I don't think I've ever loved anyone more than Jorge Garay.


Idk if I should stop this story or not, is it getting boring?

Btw yet again this is unedited do that's why it might have spelling mistakes😎


Word count: 700

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