~the project~

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Benjis POV:

It was the next day, a Friday and me and Jorge were sitting down in Geogeraphy for our final period.
The teacher stood up and announced to the class,

"Ok everyone listen up!"

All the class turned and faced the front and carried on their conversations.

"Your homework for the weekend is to make a project about the Antarctic region. Work in pairs and i want to see a documentary made by Monday."

Jorge and I looked at eachother.

"Let's be partners" we both said in unison.
We giggled and stared eachother in the eye.

"Benji and Jorge do you need to be separated?" The teacher said.

We looked at eachother and smiled,  ohh of us going red,
"No sir" I said trying not to giggle.

"Ok then, be quiet". He said in a stern manor.
We looked at our paper pretending to write.

The class had ended and me and jorge had swapped numbers.
I smiled at him while he was putting in my number, seeing the concentration in his face. I giggled and looked at the floor.

"What?" Jorge said smiling.

"You looked so concentrated" I grinned.

He went red and looked me in the eye.

"Benji krol, are you making fun of me?" He smiled.

"Yep" I said back.

He gave me a friendly, yet annoyed look and went back to his phone putting in the rest of my number.

"Ok I'll text you when you get home." He said with his suttle accent and gave me a little wave before walking off, slinging his backpack over his shoulders.

I stood there for a couple seconds, watching him walk off. Have I caught feeling for this boy?

Jorges POV:

We got caught talking in class, how embarrassing. We both went bright red and looked down at our work after getting yelled at for the 3rd time this lesson.

We had to make a project over the weekend about antártica. Great.

When we finally got out of the lesson, me and benji swapped numbers, he made fun of me for my concentrating.

I turned around and walked off I felt his eyes looking at me from behind. I felt my face go red. I think I've officially fallen for benji krol.

*30 minutes later*

I plopped on my bed and changed into my comfy clothes, my sweater and some shorts, and I got out my phone.

Benji💞 : hi jorge🙂xx.                                                   

Me : hi benji🙂xx

Benji💞: I was thinking umm, if you wanted to come to mine tonight to work in the project?🙂xx

Me : sure😁xx    

Benji💞: my parents are home but they won't mind 👌🏼xx

Me: oh, ok😁xx

Benji💞: I'll see you at mine in 5? Xx

Luckily, we don't live far away from eachother, a one minute drive drive and a 5 minute walk so I didn't have to go far. My parents weren't home either and neither was my brother, so I could do anything I wanted,

Me : Yup, see you in 5 xx


I stood outside, took a deep breath and started walking over to benjis.
Clouds started forming above me and all of a sudden, it started chucking it down with rain. Luckily, before I left I changed into some jeans, but now it's not so lucky since they are soaking wet.

I started running as fast as I could as I could see a lightning strike hit the opposite end of the sidewalk.

Benjis POV:

Jorge was in his way down to mine. I asked my parents if he could come round and they were both fine with it.

All of a sudden, it chucked it down with rain. I sat in my sofa, watching the rain hit the window with great force.

"CRAP!" I shouted.

"What?!" My mum shouted back with panic in her voice.

" Jorge is out their walking in the rain al by himself!" I shouted.

My mum shoved an umbrella in my arms and slipped my coat on.

I stared at her confused.

" WELL GO AND GET HIM THEM!" She laughed, but she also sounded serious.

I slipped my shoes on and legged it out the door.

Lightning was striking all around and I could feel the worry fill me up.

I started shouting.

"JORGE? JORGE?" I said louder very time. There was no answer.

"Benji?" I heard a suttle shout, I ran faster than I've ever ran before, he sounded like he's been crying. I found him running around and I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug.

His clothes were soaking wet and small sobs left his mouth.

I put up the umbrella and put my arm around his waist and walked him back home.


That was a really long chapter😂🍌🍓 hope you enjoyed and Tay tuned for the next part, which will probably be out later tonight. Sorry for the grammar, it's really hot in America right now and I really cba😂

Ok baiiii

Word count: 827

Benjey🍓🍌Where stories live. Discover now