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Benjis POV:

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing.
I look at the clock on my nightstand. 1:47.

I look at my phone and see jorges name across the screen.

I answered after a couple rings,

"Hey bubba why are you ringing?" I tried to sound awake but my voice was raspy.

"Hii bongo!" He shouted into the phone.

"Bongo?" I laughed and he giggled back but then I heard him sniffle into the phone.

"Are you ok bub? What's wrong?" I sat at the end of my bed and started to put my shoes on. I slipped my jumper on and grabbed my keys.

"Yeahhh I'm fineee" I could hear the music blasting through the phone but his sniffles covered them up.

"What's wrong? I'm coming to pick you up." I said.

"Whyyy? Nothings wrong" He slurred into the mic. "Anyway you cant just walk in bongo"

"First off, stop calling me bongo," I heard him giggle which made me smile. "And second off, I am just gunna walk in"

"Ughhh bongo your so annoying". I laughed and got in my car with Jorge still on the phone. I put him on speaker and rested my phone on the seat next to me.

"Where's syd?" I asked him.

"Oh umm I dunno. He on the sofa." He said. He then whispered into the mic.
"Bongo I think he's drunk" he giggled.

"Oh and your not drunk?" I smiled.

"Of course I'm not bongo, who do you think I am?"

I laughed at his stupid remark.
"Ok bubba I'm coming in"

I see him stumble out the door and he landed with a crash in my arms.

"Woah watch it bub"

His eyes were puffy and red. I frown at him, you could tell he'd been crying.

I put him in the passenger seat and get i the drivers seat myself.

"Bub what happened? Why were you crying?"

I could see tears form in his eyes and he whispered,,

"Oh nothing"

I frown and tilt my head.
"It was just some people who w-were drunk calling me n-names"

He sobbed and tucked his knees up to his chest and cried into them. I rubbed his back and he tilted his head up to loon at me.

"Can we just go h-home? Please?"
My heart warmed from the fact he he says being with me is home.

"Of course baby boy"
I grab his hand and make our way back to his house.

He stumbles out the door struggling to stand up so I pick him up bridal style and take him into his house.

I open the door and make my way up to his room.

I sit him on the bed and get some shorts he could sleep in. I help him take all his clothes off and I sleep his shorts on him.
I get out of my hoodie and my pyjama bottoms so I'm just wearing my boxers and I cuddle him.
He wraps his arms around my neck and rooks on top of me.
I kiss him lightly and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Thanks for picking me up Benjamin" I love how he uses my full name.

"Of course baby. I love you" (live😤)

"I love y- "

He sits up and swallows. He looks straight at me and covers his mouth. He runs to the bathroom and I run after him.

I open the door to see him throwing up in the toilet. It looks like the first time, he didn't make it in time and it was all over him.

I sighed and kneeled on the tiled floor.
I rub his back as he throws up for the next couple minutes.

He looks up at me and then flushed the chain.

He wraps his hands around his stomach and rocks back and forth.

"Aww bub"

I get up and turns on the bath. I get a cloth and get all of the extra vomit off him and when the bath is full I turn it off.

I help him get out his shorts and I sit him in the bath.

I go and get him and new pair and I put them on the counter. I come in to see him asleep in the tub.
I wash him body and then his hair without waking him and I lift him out. I drain the sink and wake him up while he's in my arms.

"Bub? Come on wake up we have to get you dry. He opens his eyes and nods his head at me. I smile at him and sit him on the toilet seat. I dry his body quickly and slip the shorts onto him.

"Carry me" He says. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back. He had a smile on his face and he put his arms up.
I sighed and lifted him up around my waist. He wrapped his legs around them and rested his head on my shoulder. I look at the time on the wall,

I look at Jorge who is fast asleep and I rest him down on the bed.
I get in next to him and we fall asleep in eachothers arms.




Word count: 883

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