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Unedited 💅🏼

Benjis POV:

I wake up to the sound of jorges light snores coming from on top of me. I smile and roll him off me gently trying not to wake him.
I walk into the bathroom and look at my swollen lip and bruised eye.

Jeez I look gross

I hit round and look at the bruises on my back in the mirror and dab the cloth on my them and my cuts. I wince at the pain but it all stops when I feel a pair of arms snake found my waist.
I look in the mirror to see a sleepy Jorge with his ruffled up hair and my sweater on.

"Hey bubba" I say quietly.

"Hi banjo, how did you sleep?"

"Good, especially when your cuddling me"

"Your so cheesy" he says with a laugh.

"I know but you love it" I boob his nose and he scrunches it up.

"I'll help you" he says.

He picks up a bigger towel and fills up the sink. He submerges the towel and when he lifts it out he squeezes it so all the loose water drops back in the sink and wraps it round my waist.
It stung, and he could tell by the way my face crinkled up and my eyes squeezed shut but eventually the pain passed.
He dabbed the towel around my waist a few times before grabbing my hand and pulling me into his room and in front of his wardrobe.
He opens the door and I see all my clothes hung up on the hanger and my shoes lined up next to his.

I smile at him and he smiles back before going to work on picking us matching outfits.

He picks me out some shorts but I put my hand on his and push them down.

"No Jorge, people will be able to see all the bruises!"

He sighs and puts them back before picking out some black joggers for me and the shorts for him.

"I want you to be comfy so wear these" he says to me.
I can't help but hug him at how thoughtful he is.

"How am I so lucky to have someone like you in my life Jorge" I say.

"I know, I'm amazing" he says with a smug smile.

I laugh and push his head down so he nearly falls over.


I smile at him and get back to the closet.

Jorges POV:

My head hurts

Benji grabs me out a pink shirt with short sleeves and grabs himself one of his pink jumpers. He gets us the same pair of vans and throws them on the bed.

We both get changed and we sit on the bed. Benji is on his phone and I'm lying on his lap.

"What do you want to do?" I say.

"I...I wanna eat." (Accurate)

"Ok then let's go"

"Wait!" He practically shouts and he grabs my arm.


"I-I don't wanna go out like this..." he points to his face and frowns at me.

"Awhh banjo" I frown back

"Do you just wanna order pizza?"

"No-no, we'll go out if you want to"

"If Your sure banjo"

He nods and I pull him up from the bed and we walk down the stairs together hand in hand.

I grab my keys and unlock the the door.
We get to my car and this time, I drive. I go round and buckle his seatbelt and he smiles at me. I get in my side of we drive off to the mall.

I could see him looking at his eye and his swollen lip. I frown and pull up.

"We can go back if you don't want to be seen like this benji, it's fine I'll do whatever you want"

"No no it's fine I'm just...nervous of what proper will think."

"You still look handsome" I wink at he smiles and I start driving again.

I get out the car and I open the door for benji and he grins at me. I grab his hand and walk through the entrance.

"Where do you wanna eat banjo?"

"Ummm... here." I follow his finger and he's pointing to a kebab shop. Of course.
So we walk in and take a seat in the corner of the shop. Just a little table for two but it's all we needed.
We order our food and benji eats away, carefull not to hurt his lip.
I smile to myself and I start to eat.

Benjis POV:

I eat away and look at Jorge with sauce all around his mouth. I laugh and grab a tissue to wipe his mouth and he blushes.


I look down at my phone and I see a message...

from my dad.

Jorge looks at me.
"Are you ok? You look...ill,"

I feel like I'm gunna throw up but I breathe and take a sip from my water.

"I'm-I'm f-fine"

"Ok" he sounded concerned but we carried on eating.



*one image attached*


What's gunna happen next?


Word count: 850

Benjey🍓🍌Where stories live. Discover now