~i would never leave you~

312 9 2

Jorges POV:

I wake up to the gentle sounds of the shower on the other room. I lie on my phone for 5 minutes before the shower stops.

"Jorge can you get me some clothes ready?"

"Yeah just let me wake up first" I say back.

He walks out the bathroom with a towel wrapped lowley around his waist.

"I-I think I'm awake now"

He goes red and hides behind the door. I laugh and chuck him some clothes. I get myself an outfit, (Some shorts and one of benjis hoodies)
and go downstairs to the kitchen.
I make Benji and me some egg and bacon and on the way back I hear Benji shout


I scream and drop the eggs on the floor.


He laughs and hugs my from behind.

"Your picking that up".

After 10 minutes of eating and cleaning, I checked my phone and see a text from syd.

Syd: how have yall been doing on the project?

"Oh crap!"

"What Jorge?"

"You came round here to do the project and we didn't even do anything! We have school in, 20 MINUTES!"

Benji looked at me. He stared into my eyes...

And laughed hysterically.

"Omg Banjo your such an idiot what are we gunna do?!"

He wiped his eyes from laughing and put his hands on my waist.

"It's fine, we'll just stay off school and finish it" he said still giggling.


I was actually quite happy. I don't like school. Especially the people there.

"Well What should I tell syd? He texted me about it!"


He looked at my and shrugged his shoulders.


He smiled and kissed me.
"We'll go and get some stuff for it, I don't know what we're doing but we'll just go with it yanno?"

I sigh and stare in his brown eyes.

"Thennn, we can order pizza and watch a movie while where making it"

The pizza part got me.


"I'll be right back"

He heads out to the shops in my car. I insisted to come but he told me to stay here so he's obviously doing something.

hey syd, me and Benji arnt coming today we, ummm, both got ill.

Ummm okay? Bit of a coincidence but we'll go with it yanno?


Benji got home about 30 minutes later with two bags in his hand and one massive one.

"What is all this? What took you so long?"

"Wellll, we got some stuff for this stupid project thing, some normal groceries, some extra stuff, and yeahhh."

Benjey🍓🍌Where stories live. Discover now