~getting better~

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Jorges POV:

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and Benjis light snores coming from beside me.
I look at his pea full face and run my fingers lightly over the bruises.
He had a black eye and and swollen lip from when my uncle busted it open.
I sit up and grab my phone and I feel his head move to my stomach while he was still asleep. I smile and brush my fingers through his hair trying not to wake him. After 10 minutes my mum walks through the door and sighs and the sight of Benji all bruised up battered.

"Your uncles gone to court and they sent him to jail"

A sigh of relief took over my body.

"How long for?"

"We showed the judge the pictures of benji and they said two years".

I smile the biggest smile and my mum ruffles my hair and looks down at Benji.

"How's he doing?" She says with a sad look on her face.

"He woke up a couple time in the night, but apart from that and the bruises he all fine."
I scratch his head while looking down at him and he turns his head the opposite direction with it sill on my stomach.

"Ok that's good. Me, your dad, and your brothers are going to ñañas, will you be ok or do you need me to stay here?"

"It's fine ma'ma".

Benji jolts yo and I jump. I can hear him breathing heavily so he must of had a nightmare.

"Hey, Hey benji it's ok". He's still facing the wall and I rub his back.

Me and my mum stare at the bruises and cuts on his back and he turns around and gently lies down so he doesn't hurt himself. He is still breathing heavily, but his eyes are closed.
He slowly opens them and cuddles into my side.

"Are you ok?" My mum asks.

"Yes, Thanks Mrs Garay."

She breathes out her nose and repeats the information about my uncle and where's she going.

He nods and thanks her and she walks out.

He looks at me with his brown eyes and I kiss his head.
I lie him down where I was sitting and get a cloth and a t shirt. I help him get the shirt on and he winces at the pain.

I go into the bathroom and get the cloth soaked in water.

Benjis POV:

He goes into the bathroom and I hear him wet the cloth. He comes back and he straddles my hips and leans down I gentle dabs the cloth on my lip trying to to hurt me.

I smile at his concentration face and he looks at me.

"Whattt" he seemed annoyed and I giggle.

"Your concentration face is so cute" I laugh and he leans down and let's out a childish whine and hides his face in my neck.

I put my arms around his back and after 2 minutes he sits back up and dabs the cloth on my black eye.

I grit my teeth at the pain. And his face drops.
"Sorry banjo"

He leans down and kisses my lips and kiss back. I lean back again because of the pain of my swollen lips.

He runs both hands through my hair and cuddles into me. I hug him back and we fall asleep soon after.


I don't know if I should carry on this story, I dont think I'm that good of a writer tbh😂😂


Word count: 589

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