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Jorges POV:
I don't get it. I've never felt anything like mine and benjis connection before.
I stare down next to me and I see Benji sleeping peacefully. I pick up my phone, oh it's 10:37, we were meant to go out today. I stand on the bed and look down at him. I smirk and jump up and land on him with full force.

"Argghh Jorge what the hell?!" I giggle and flip down on the bed with my legs onto of his.

He pushes me of the bed onto a mound of pillows and rolls on top of me. I couldn't stop laughing and it's starting to hurt my stomach.

Once I stop, I lay with benjis hair with a permanent smile on my face.

"Ok banjo we have to go" he lifts his head off my chest and smiles at me.

"Banjo huh? I like it." He stares at me and pulls me in to kiss his lips. This lasted about 2 minutes before I push him off me. I stand up and grab his hands to pull him up and I walk over to his freshly washed clothes and pick myself out something to wear while he's in the shower.

I get my clothes on, my jeans and t shirt, and I sit on my bed and go on my phone waiting for him to come out.

He walks out the bathroom and gets into some clothes. He picks same black jeans as I'm wearing and puts them on. He slides on a peach coloured shirt and looks in the mirror.
I walk up to him and hold his hand.

"What's up?"
"Jorge i look so gross"
"Benjis shut uppp you look handsome" I say with a smile and he leans in and kisses my head. He ruffles my hair and grabs his wallet and phone and walks out the door hand in hand with me.

Benjis POV:

We get in jorges car and head out to the mall. Tonight's the night I ask him to be my boyfriend. And to be honest, I couldn't be more nervous. He's just... perfect. To perfect for me.

He looks up and smiles and me while intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Where do you wanna eat?"  I ask him.

"Ummm," he looks around and points at a shop. "Here!" He says with an excited look in his eyes and he pulls me in to the Taco Bell.

He plops down on the seat and I sit next to him. A man comes around with a menu and looks Jorge in the eye.
He winks at him and jorge looks down at the menu, clearly embarrassed. I look at him with an evil look and he walks off with a sassy walk and comes back a couple seconds later.

"Do you guys know what you want to eat?" He smiles and Jorge and bites his lip.

I could of killed him. I try to speak quickly so I could get him away from me and jorge.

"I'll just take a water and he will too," I say sternly.

"Ok I'll be right back." He smiles and winks at Jorge again and walks off.

Jorge could see be getting red and he puts his hand on mine.

"What's wrong banjo?"

"Jorge I swear to god I'm gonna kill that waiter." I reply. 

"Just ignore him Benji"

"Jorge I can't!" I say a bit too loudly and we get a couple stares.

"Trust me banjo, I'm not going anywhere."
I smile but I'm still super angry.

He comes back with two waters with ice in them.

He puts jorges infront of him and he puts mine at the other end of the table, obviously trying to get me annoyed.
I don't say anything and I lean over to grab the water.

He walks off and Jorge puts his head on my shoulder.

"Ok, now I get what you mean" He says to me.

"Jorge I swear to god I hate him".

He puts our connected hands in the table so when he comes back he will see them.

I smirk as I see him coming back.

He stares at our hands and his smile drops to an annoyed look.

"Do you know what you want to eat." He says through gritted teeth.

We ordered and he walks off. Jorge turns his head and smiled at me. A couple seconds later he returns with our food.
Once we've finished eating he comes with the bill. He puts it on the table and he waits while I get out my wallet.
I put my card in the machine and we stand up to leave.
On our way out I say,

"Maybe if you weren't such an idiot, you wouldn't have to flirt and come across as an idiot. Bye!"
I smile at him and see Jorge cover his mouth tying to contain his laughter as we walk out together.

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