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Jorges POV:

*last day of school week*

Benji hugged me and pulled away holding my hans in his. He smiled at me and I smiled back before we heard someone shout his name from behind him.

"Hey benji" his friend Noen came up behind him and tapped his shoulder.
Benji turned around and did a complicated hand shake with him while with his other hand, his fingers were still intertwined with mine.

"Oh hey Jorge" he smiled and waved at me. I waved back giving benjis hand a squeeze.

Noen looked down at our hands and grinned at benji.

"Ooooh benjis in looveeee." He said and I put my hand over my mouth to stop me from laughing.

"Shut up Noen" Benji said with a smile.

"Anyway I cane here to ask if you wanted to come to a party tonight, everyone's going because we won the big game."

I saw benjis smile drop. He couldn't take part in the game because of his bruised face and cuts on his back. He couldn't run properly and he was the captain of the team.

"I-umm, no man sorry, I would feel bad going to a party to celebrate a game that i was meant to take part in. How about you bubba do you want to go?" He turned to face me.

"Ehhh, I-I dunno I d-don't have anyone to g-go with."

"Why don't you invite syd with you? Your friends with him right?" Noen said.

"I don't wanna leave benji." I say back.

"I don't mind bubba, I'd be happy if you go or not I just don't want you to feel like your stuck with me and that you have to look after me".

I frown at his words and put my arm around his waist.

"I think about it Noen." I smile at him and he smiles back at me and walks off with his hands in his pockets.

The end of day bell goes and floods of students run out of the school building. We walk out after the crowds have died down and we head to my car.

I open the door for the passenger seat for Benji and buckle him in. He smiles and leans up to beck my lips and I shut the door and get in the drivers seat.
I buckle myself in and we start to drive. I feel Benjis hand on my knee and I smile to myself.

Benjis POV:

"Hey ehhh, do you mind if I go to the party tonight? I don't wanna leave you alone but I don't mind if I go to the party or stay with you."
I hear jorges heavy accent in his broken English and I smile at him.

"I don't mind if you go or stay either. I'd love it if you'd stay with me, but I wouldn't mind if you went because I don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me and stay by my side."
"And anyway, I've already asked syd and he said he'll go with you" I smile at him

"Ok, I'll go." He said to me and grinned.

Jorge picks an outfit to wear.
He comes out with black jeans, a black shirt, and a flowery dress top to go over it. He tucked the dress top into his jeans but pulled it out a little so it bags over then.
He had a layer of blush that covers his few freckles on his face and his hair was just like he normally has it.

He walks over to me and sits next of me in the bed. I takes his hand into mine and rubs his thumb on mine.

"You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen" I say to him.

He giggles and goes bright red and I pull him next to me.

"No, like actually, your so beautiful."

"Benjamin stop" he giggles and blushed even harder.
He sits me up and he straddles my thies. He runs his fingers through my hair. I put my hands on his waist and he leans in to kiss me.
It lasted about 5 minutes and we stopped when we heard a knock on the door.

Jey started to panick and he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Benji do I look okay? How's my hair? Is my t shirt creased?!" He shouted.

"Hey, Hey, jey you look gorgeous".

He took a deep breath and I followed him downstairs and to the door. He opened it and we saw syd standing there on his phone.

"Ugh finally!l

We both laugh and benjis gently pushes me out the door.

"Take care of him dude, make sure nothing happens to him." I said to syd.

"Jeez benji your like a 40 year old mom" I see Jorge giggle and i smile back at him.

He gives me a peck on the lips and he walks next to syd down the alleyway.

I watched him get in the car and he waved at me and I waved back. I watched the car drive off and I walk back into his house.

"Hey benji where's Jorge gone?" I hear his mom say.

"Oh uhh, he went to a party. I encouraged him to go because I didn't want him to feel like a slave to me" I say back to her.

"Aww thanks benji, anyway, I'm sure he wouldn't. He talks about you none stop" she says back to me.

I smile to myself and walk upstairs. I plop myself down on his bed and a fall asleep.


I'm sorry I didnt upload anything over the past week but I just got back from Scotland and there was NO WIFI.


Word count: 961

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