∽Chapter 44∽

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*Marilyn's Point Of View*

The past few days have been extremely repetitive. From eight in the morning to four in the afternoon, we sit in that courtroom and go over the same demeaning details of that night. Every argument is the same.

"Maybe she wanted it, but plunked out?", Some would argue. "Maybe she was just a innocent victim?", Others would retort, but the main question lies; where was Brandon when this all happened. Brandon argues that he stepped out to buy groceries, taking Dylan along with him. Yet, Jasmine's recollection of that night is different.

She says it was late in the night when the other boys (Dylan and Brandon) were sleeping that David took the opportunity to play their little game. A game where he gets away with touching her or having her oral with him. But of course that night ended differently. He took her into his bedroom and had his way with her.

When she told that story to the jurors, my heart shattered. I am not a woman who believes in hatred, but I will reluctantly admit; I hate David. With every fiber of my being I hate him. For every touch,  every whisper, I hate him. He's messed with the wrong family. But fortunately for us (Jasmine and I) we are going to enjoy a break from this chaos.

The judge suggested that the court go on an extended recess in order to give the jurors enough time to deliberate. I'm sure with all of the evidence they have; even a vaginal swabbing, they will surely lock him away. Anyways, today I decided to take Jasmine out for a day of pampering. I know she's been drained lately and so have I.

Therefore, a spa day sound's beautiful. The only thing that worries me, is the media. They have really been on this short trial. So many different twisted version's of the truth have been thrown into the sea of gossip article's and talk show segments. I can't believe people are actually proud to try to destroy someone else's life; it's sickening.

"Mom, I rather stay here in the hotel. Can't I just stay here?", Jasmine whines, watching me strap up my sandals. I flash her an assuring smile. "My dear Jasmine, you've been cooped up between four walls for too long. Let's have fun. Don't you want to have fun with me?", I ask pinch her cheek. A look of horror washes over her face just before she sprints towards the bathroom.

Sighing to myself, I slowly walk towards the bathroom. I forget that some thing's trigger her memory and she runs to cry in order to relinquish that memory. I feel so hopeless in this situation. My baby girl is traumatized. God help me on this, please. I silently pray as I knock on the bathroom door.

"I'm not going. I'm not leaving this hotel room unless we are going home.", She croaks from the other side of the wooden door. "I know honey. Just come out of the bathroom, we can talk.",-"No!No. I don't want to talk!... I hate myself! I hate him!", She screeches, kicking the door. Along with other item's I hearing crashing to the floor, I recognize the puncture to a mirror.

"Rafael!! Rafael hurry up!", I screech, jogging out of the hotel room. He quickly emerges from the hotel room next to ours, ready to take action. "Is everything okay misses Jay?", He asks, placing his hand on the holster of his gun. I shake my head and point towards our room.

"She's locked in the bathroom and throwing thing's. I think she broke the mirror. I need to see if she's okay.", I stress, leading him into our suit. Quickly walking towards the bathroom door, he jiggles with the knob while begging Jasmine to let him in. After many refusals, he finally breaks the padlock of the door and carries a defiant Jasmine into the living room.

I glance over her, wanting to make sure she's in one piece, but I spot her cuts and bruises from trashing the bathroom. "I'll go get the first aid kit.", Rafael suggests, walking off towards the bathroom. I kneel before Jasmine who is laying vertically on the couch. Her dirty blonde hair a frizzled mess, as well as her once beautiful Maroon jumper, is now bloodied. 

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