∽Chapter 56∽

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*Marilyn's Point Of View*

Since my decision to try for another little Jackson, Michael and I have become more than rabbits. Whenever we have time alone, we take advantage for 'creation'. Between baby making and managing our full house, I haven't found the time to plan my next appearance.

Since the Ebony shoot, Bella Jackson has become a success. But, in order to maintain that success I have to keep advertising. Again, I reiterate, between 'creation' and our home life, work is just a mirage.

"Papa?", I ask from the other side of his office door. Michael decided to Stay in while I finally escaped, to attend a short business conference. I thought it was kind of funny, because he was acting very weird. I, of course shrugged it off, but something definitely seems fishy.

Knocking a third time, I still receive no answer. I know for sure he's up to something. I sigh and mentally prepare myself to give him a great chunk of words. Just as I'm twisting the door knob, the flies open, revealing a awkwardly smiling Michael. "Hey babygirl, W-when did you get home?," I force a smile, refraining from snapping at him.

"Just a few minutes ago. What are you up to?," I suspiciously ask, sliding past him. He nervously clears his throat, jumping beside me. "Uhh nothing. Made a few calls. And uhh... worked.", He babbles. I eye him for a second and glance around the room.

"Why are you so jumpy?",-I'm not. Why would I be jumpy? I'm not jumpy? Does this look like jumpy?", He babbles on, plopping into his office chair. "Are you trying to convince me?", He sighs and reaches for my arm. "Why are you interrogating me? Just give me some sugar, I've missed you," He lulls, gently pulling me into his lap.

I sigh, feeling his lips waste no time to meet mine. In the momentary contact, I almost didn't catch the figure behind the linen curtains move. "What was that?", I ask, tearing away from Michael. I feel him tense up beneath me. "Uhh I'm sure it was nothing babygirl," He convinces, gently pulling me towards him. I slip away again.

"No. Michael I know I saw something behind that damn curtain.",-"I'm telling you, nothing is behind that curtain," I roll my eyes, walking towards the curtains. I see a speck of blonde, and quickly snatch the curtains back revealing a very annoyed Evelyn. "Nothing Michael! You call this nothing? Why is she here?," I demand.

Michael glances between Evelyn and I, his face flushing with nervousness. "I knew I should've come here. You can't tell your own damn wife about the mother of your twins?! You're such an ass," Evelyn snarls. I shoot her a quick glare.

"Don't you even dare, homewrecker. You're just as stupid for coming. Knowing damn well I wasn't home,"-"According to your precious Michael, you knew I was coming and was fine with it," I exchange my glare for Michael. "You told her that?", By now, Michael is completely pale, his eyes glued to the floor.

"I did. I just wanted to figure something out. Kadence and Katelyn are my responsibility," He explains, slowly looking up. "Bullshit. He says you guys want full custody of the twins! You will NOT take my babies from me!," She spits at Michael. I rub my temples. I don't even understand what's going on.

Michael lied not only about this meeting, but also about gaining custody of the twins. "Marilyn, I was going to tell you. I-", I shake my head for him to save it. "I'm sorry Marilyn, but I'm not letting you guys take them. Maybe joint custody, but that's as far as I will go.", She simply concludes, directing a nasty glare at Michael.

As much as I hate Evelyn for returning with more drama, I am more angry at Michael for lying about the whole thing. I would've understood if he would've just came out and told me. Turning towards the door, I silently follow Evelyn out.

"Is everything okay? Uh hello Miss Rudolph.", Bill says, confusion in his voice. "Can you have Rafael take her home, and you better talk to Michael before I choke him," I snarl, continuing down the hall, towards our bedroom.

*Michael's Point Of View*

Stupid, dumb, and maybe even insensitive. Those were my action's. I chose to lie, convincing myself it will work out for the twins. Once again, I make a dumb decision, thinking I'm helping when really I'm hurting the one I love most, Marilyn.

It's been a week since the minor argument. Marilyn's pissed, Evelyn is steamed. Neither one may like each other, but both haven't one thing in common, their resentment for me. During the past week, I have bonded more with the twins. Kadence is my twin.

He is so much like Dylan (who is my exact copy), it's crazy. Katelyn on the other hand, is growing more and more find of her little and big sister (Jordyn and Jasmine), she goes to daycare and returns home with finger paintings of her new sisters.

It's sweet, which makes it harder to know that I have to split them with Evelyn. I know what it feels like to grow up with a split family. I don't want the same for my children.

"The twins are with Evelyn today, Jordyn is with Yuli and Ryan, Jasmine is at a luncheon and Dylan is at basketball try outs. That leaves me, you and the guards," I sigh, plopping beside Marilyn On the bed. She is lost in a 'Mommy To Be' book. It's a book for women expecting or trying for a baby in their thirties and forties.

She's scared that she could be too old to have another baby. But, the way we were going at it before the argument, I'm surprise she isn't experiencing morning sickness yet. She slowly looks up from her book. I've been getting the silent treatment lately. I guess I deserve it, but I wish she would hurry up and get over it.

"So you're still not going to talk to me?," She sighs heavily, slipping out of the bed. I watch her silently as she makes her way towards me. "Do you still want another baby?," She asks, walking between my leg's. "More than anything," I reply, staring into her chocolate pools.

"I was worried you would change your mind. I know how much you love the twins. Seeing you interact with them, warms my heart. But, my heart sinks knowing that they belong to you and Evelyn," She stresses, her eyes becoming glossy.

"If I can give Jordyn a little sister or brother, without having them in and out of her life, that would complete our family. I really want one more," I give her a loving smile, raising her hand's to my lips. "We're going to have a baby. Just be patient babygirl," She shifts her gaze to her off-white painted toes.

"I hope so...," Gently pulling her on top of me, I hold onto her waist. "I'm glad you're talking to me again," I smirk, pecking the nape of her neck. She giggles, holding onto my shoulder's. "I have to make this baby some how," She jokes.

I playfully glare at her. "That mouth isn't going to help you in this little lady,"-"Oh just shh at give me some loving Papa," She purrs. I laugh, and graciously obey her command. God let us have this baby.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Sorry for the long awaited update, I've been having charger problems. Time for another one. I know this update is short, but I promise the next will be waay better! So, please comment,tell me your assumptions on what could happen next.  And, of course vote! Thank-you, I love you!


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