∽Chapter 20∽

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*Michael's Point Of View*

After a good nights rest last night, I feel a little less tense. I know Marilyn is going to want to talk about our 'little' argument but, I honestly think it will go nowhere if she does. I really hate arguing with her. When I was younger, I witnessed my very own parents arguing to the point where thing's became physical. I would never let thing's boil over to that point. It is not my nature. I just remember hating hearing them arguing about the smallest thing's. I know it's a part of marriage but, I also know it can be prevented. Hopefully I can prevent one now.

I just took a much needed long hot shower. I swear I would stay in that shower all day if I didn't wrinkle easily. Wrapping a clean towel around my waist, I use another to clear the fog from the mirror. I take a long glance at my reflection once the fog was cleared. I look fairly well. Besides the clear signs of aging in my eyes, I still look like, as Marilyn puts it: "A hot fresh stack of fluffy pancakes" .

I chuckle to myself at her corniness. I also take notice of my emerging stubble. I'm not a man of facial hair but, I like the mini stubble around my jawline. I think Marilyn loves it too. I give it a feel before ending my moment of marveling myself. Walking out into the bedroom of our suite, I keep an eye out on Jordyn who was still fast asleep in her mobile. I glance over towards our bed where Marilyn was now stirring. I continue walking towards the mini dresser across the suite.

That's what I really hate about our suite. The small Chester's. I scrummage  through the Chester in search of a clean pair of boxers and a pair of jeans. "Papa...Why are you up So early? ", Marilyn yawns out. I find a pair of boxers and slide them on carefully under my towel before answering her. "Umm I couldn't sleep I guess. My body said, Wake the Hell up Michael!", I joke, still searching for my jeans.

"You already showered?", She asks, her voice coming closer. "Yeah... I did. Have you seen my jeans? I swear I put them in here.", I fuss with the next drawer full of clothes.  "No... But Michael can we talk?", She asks, walking up beside me. I pause from my search and glance at her. "I honestly don't want to talk about it.", She sucks in her lips forming a thin line then nods in defeat. "Okay. We won't. But if we were I would tell you, you overreacted.

I wouldn't do anything if it made you uncomfortable. ", I furrow my eyebrows in amusement. "You sound like you're trying to take my long lost virginity.", Marilyn places an unamused, impatient hand on her right hip. "Michael I'm serious... ",-"Okay. But you sneaked around with Yuli even though I specifically said I wanted Nothing to do with her. You are a part of me, So that included you.", I defend, turning my attention back onto my search for jeans. "Where in the Hell are my jeans?", I ask aloud to myself. Marilyn exhales deeply before walking over towards our suitcases in the living room.

I watch her as she pulls out a pair of my infamous black skinnies; with sarcasm written all over her face. She returns them to me giving me a 'Look next time' facial expression. "Thank-you.", I smile, sliding them on. "Michael I only did that because I believe in chances. I really do.",-" Don't guilt trip me. I know you have given me plenty of chances. It's just, you're talking about the psycho!", Marilyn quickly glances over at Jordyn who was still sleeping soundly. "Michael don't be So loud... I do understand that. I just want to hear him out.", I shake my head.

"I'm ending this conversation now before it turns into something else. I'm serious about leaving. I don't want you in danger but, if you go, I will leave with the kid's, quicker than you can say empire state building. ", I warn, sliding on a clean v-neck. "You are being a drama queen right now Michael. He's on probation, he won't risk that to hurt me.", Joining her in the middle of our suite, I walk up to her.  "That's exactly the problem...", I gently cup her face in my hand's.

"As much as I hate it, he's in love with you. If you go, that gives him hope. I don't want that. I fought for you, and I won fair and square.", I admit, slowly taking her lips prisoner to mine. "That's my reason for being so hostile.", I add, breaking our kiss. She rubs her lips together before replying. "You could've just told me you felt this way...",-"Like Like we I said I hate to say it. Just please, don't go?", I ask, though I know I'm not posing it as a question.

She opens her mouth to Reply but, little Jordyn made her awareness known. Instead of word's, she gives me a quick peck on the lips then runs off to tend to Jordyn.

*Bill's Point Of View*

"Mike, would you please explain to me why you are doing this again? ", I exhale, annoyed by his ignorance. Michael sighs and tears away from the computer screen. "Have you ever watched CSI Bill? ", I roll my eyes and nod. "Well... There was an episode I watched about criminal backgrounds, Basically you can find out past criminal records in one click.", He explains proudly.

I shake my head. "Boy... You are quite the Einstein huh?", Catching my sarcasm, he turns his attention back on the screen. "So you made me ride all through Soho just to find a library so you can dig up dirt on Channing? ", He swivels in the rolling chair to face me. "Well when you put it like that... It almost sound's like you're saying I'm being paranoid?", He asks raising an challenging eyebrow. I cross my arms over my chest.

"Yes. In fact you are very paranoid. Marilyn isn't going to see him, she's at her convention. Yet you're sitting your paranoid ass here looking up irrelevant information. Michael stop before you find something you don't like or mess something up. Karma... she's a bitch.", He rolls his eyes again. Swiveling back towards the computer, he continues scrolling.

I can't help but feel like I'm being dragged into the lion's den. Michael can never leave crap alone. He told me he wanted to do a bit of private research on Gay weddings for Brandon's and David's sake. I knew he was lying through his teeth but, I thought he just wanted to get out of the hotel. So we bundled up the kid's and headed to the library. Now I regret it. "Bill! I think I found something!", Michael exclaims rather loudly, causing the whole library to turn head's in his direction.

Michael mouth's 'sorry' before turning to me, grinning foolishly. "Michael what is it?", I asks still annoyed by his stupid idea. Michael continues grinning before pointing at the computer screen. I take a quick glance at the man who at no sad surprise, is Channing. I give Michael a look. "That's Channing... You found it. Yahoo.", Sarcasm spilt from my lips.

Michael chuckles. "Oh no my dear Bill... Turns out our Channing really is Tatum Ashley... the second.", My jaw drops an inch. "What?!", Michael rolls to the other side of me. I glance over 'Channing'. Sure enough 'Channing' isn't Channing, he's Tatum Chanson Ashley...

To Be Continued...

∽A/N: Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I started back school this week and balancing classes and writing is something I'm trying to readjust to. So be patient with me! Again thank-you  for requesting a book 5! It's still hard to believe! I love you! Also for my new reader: Thank-you for taking interest in this 5 book series. I hope you are enjoying! If you are, why not leave a comment telling me So? I Love reading your comments! So please keep them coming!. Okay I'm done. Hope you enjoyed! Comment. Vote. Share.

         -Marilyn Edmond ♥∽

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