~Chapter 69~

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*Marilyn's Point Of View*

I have been torn before. I have been emotionally pushed to my limits before, but never have I ever felt so dirty and low. I have never felt so worthless until today.

Her words like daggers in my heart, digging deeper with every insult. If her aim was to kill me, I was dead with her first statement. I don't even know how I am going to mentally recover before the Maddox's come over.

Lord help me.

Waking up from my unfortunate nap (I previously cried myself to sleep), I feel his arms around me. I will admit, having him hold me this tight makes me feel safe and a bit assured, but it still feels so wrong.

I definitely feel betrayed and Michael has nothing at all. He is just a victim of a wrong decision. I wrong decision that will haunt us for the rest of our lives.

I feel him shift behind me, his eyes watching me. I can sense his concern and worry, but I am afraid to face him.

I want to tell him I hate him. I hate him for cheating on me and creating two beings with her. I hate him for visiting her in the hospital. I hate him for sneaking off to visit the twins when all he had to do was tell me.

I hate him for making me feel so good inside and out, yet hurt me twice as much. I just hate him.

Staring at our bedside table, I glance at our wedding picture with blurry eyes. Remembering his vows, word by word. I can no longer control my emotions, I grip my pillow tightly and cry into for it is my only comfort.

"Babygirl... Please talk to me... Please" He pleads behind me, stroking my hair gently.

His voice only makes matters worse as I clench onto the pillow for dear life. I may seem to be over reacting, but when you love someone as much as I love Michael and you have what seems like most of the world against your love, then you'd understand my tears. You'd understand my pain.

"Babygirl if all you want me to do is hold you then I will, but please don't ignore me" He begs, pecking my shoulder.

I shiver. Not because I'm cold, but because that's what his kisses do to me. No matter how resentful I am towards Michael, a kiss from him will send shivers down my spine and disseminate that anger or sadness with that one gesture.

I would respond, but of course my throat is dry from sobbing. I would turn to him, but I just can't move. I'm just not ready.

*Michael's Point Of View*

I'm pissed. I'm more than peeved. I'm exiled with rage. I can't explain it any more than that.

I don't understand how a woman can be so nasty, so conniving, or so vengeful.

I understand, she still is probably in love with me, yet the only thing that is keeping me around is out children. That must hurt. I've been there with Marilyn. But, I would never cross as many lines as Evelyn has.

Telling my wife that you can satisfy me more than she can, that's ridiculous. It's childish and idiotic.

When Marilyn finally stressed to me her feelings, it cut me deeply. I don't want her questioning if I love her not. I don't want her crying for days in end, just because of jealousy and ignorance. It's not healthy for her nor is it healthy for the baby.

Therefore, today I decided to out an end to this. I should've done it a long time ago, but I never thought it would boil down to this. I've talked to Bill and mother burgess about it earlier and they agree. It's a past due notion.

"Michael... Papa I don't want to see her. I swear I'll kill her if I do..." Marilyn stresses, pacing the living room floor.

I sigh and walk up to her, taking her hands in mine.

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