∽Chapter 51∽

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*Michael's Point Of View*

Two month's have passed since that trial. The trial that proved the Jackson's can walk through fire without a trace of ash. The passing two month's would add up to six month's that a man tore between the sacred bond of father and son. A sacred bond that hopefully isn't too late to be fixed.

Today, I have finally found the inspiration for a demo Demi sent me. The demo really spoke to me and gave me a plethora of ideas to convey the lyrics in a way our audience can easily relate to as well. The song is simply titled Stronger. Yes, it's self titled from the album title.

The song is about over coming obstacles through many strengths. Of course that is relatable to my life, marriage, and business. I've been through heartaches, headaches, dark storms, addiction, cheating, etcetera.  And because this song is so personal in meaning to me, I'm adding an extra feel of emotion to the already pretty emotional ballad.

Anyway, while I'm cooped in my office for today, Marilyn and Yuli have taken the kid's out for a much needed break before school Tuesday. They are on a three day weekend, so they were begging to get out of the house. I am relieved that I can smile again when I think about my children now.

Jasmine is slowly letting go of the trial, and as for the other two (Jordyn and Dylan) they are still crazy and energetic as ever. On the other hand, Brandon is still very distant.  He has called a few times between the two month's, but that's as far as he goes with communication. Of course the media takes this and runs with it.

Apparently, I hate Brandon so much that I banished him from visiting his family ever again. Oh, the lie doesn't stop there; oh no they become even more ridiculous. To make sure that Brandon doesn't break my decision to banish him, I supposedly went out my way to apply for a restraining order against him. I swear the media has quite the imagination.

Playing with the climax of the ballad, I smile to myself approvingly, and tape the last bit.

"Knock, knock.", A voice call's from the other side of the door. I quickly press stop on the recording and turn towards the door. "Yes?", I ask opening the door to reveal a very cheeky Marilyn. She's holding a bag behind her back. I flash her a boyish smile before investigating. "Whatcha' got there Mama?", I lull. She shrugs, rolling her eyes over her shoulder. "Oh nothing, just something I think you will love.", She teases.

I raise a flirtatious left eyebrow. "You went to that edible lingerie store again?",  She giggles shaking her head, no. "You went to a regular lingerie store?", I ask, now furrowing eyebrows in growing curiosity. "Oh my God, Michael. Mind out of the gutter. Anyway, you're still wrong. But I'll give it to you anyway.", She smiles, removing a slip of paper from behind her back.

"What's this?", I ask as she passes it to me. "Just a little sentiment from your fans.", She giggles. I scrunch up my face in moving confusion. "Fans? As in, we want your autograph and have your child fans?", She playfully rolls her eyes. "Yes. My Papa is famous, I'm jealous." She playfully pouts, sitting in my swivel chair. I tear open the envelope, pausing to glance at her.

"You know you're my number one fan. Plus, I'm sure you have a few young boys going crazy over those beautiful leg's of yours. I know I am.", I tease, removing the paper. "Would you stop being a pervert for a second and read the darn thing.", I glare at her playfully, reading the note aloud.

*Dear my sexy Michael,

Your Hollywood story is amazing. Born and raised in California, married your bestfriend (who is gorgy by the way!), with three kid's plus one adopted. That's a dream come True! I would totally love to meet you one day!
           -Lily, Chicago Ill.
P.s. Nice butt you have there! You look great for forty! ; )*

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