∽Chapter 48∽

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*Michael's Point Of View*

After hashing it out with Janet, I retired my anger in order to make thing's right. I love my sister, I really do. It's just she can be a careless, wild child at times. At twenty five, I would expect her to be more cautious; especially around her niece's and nephew. I am aware my approach to the situation was a bit rough, but she really pushed too far calling me a drug addict. That's why I'm going to settle this right now.

"Dunk?", I call, walking through the slide door that leads to our backyard. Feeling the sun beat directly on my forehead, I shield my face and continue searching for her. "Dunk?", I call again, shifting through the sea of plastic horse's and automobiles. I spot her on the silver miniature swing set, gazing down at her tan Timbland work boots. From afar, she looks like a eighteen year old who is into the tomboy hipster look.

I smile to myself, silently reflecting on the days when Joseph used to pick at Janet for being 'such a boy'. It was a harmless joke then that somehow continued into her adulthood. Within my reflection, I finally approach her. She's still very lost in her thoughts when I quietly take the next swing beside her.

"You know, when you were born, mother always said we would bump head's? I always disagreed, and still do.", I exhale, starring down at my midnight loafers as well. She lightly chuckles. "Mom was always right about us though. We've always bumped heads.",-"But it's only because we're both strong minded. You know out of you, Toya, and Rebbie, you're my favourite?", I chuckle along.

She gives me a quick glance, swinging her leg's a little. "Yeah I know. Look, I'm sorry. I know I hit a nerve with my last comment. I don't think that of you at all. I feel terrible.", She stresses, her eyes dimming with regret. Giving her a small smile, I look up to the sun.

"I know you don't. Don't feel terrible. Mother always said to forgive as well as forget. I will always forgive you. You're my little sister. You're supposed to say mean thing's.", I joke, nudging her shoulder. "Oh applehead, you are just like mom.", She sighs happily. I blush, imagining mother being the warm sun beaming down on us.

"So can we call it truths?", I ask, extending out my pinky. She giggles, extending out her mocha, peach painted pinky. "Yeah, truth's.", She agrees, tangling our pinkys together. After laughing and reminiscing for awhile, Janet and I return inside where Janet proclaims her extended stay in California until next week.

I'm happy that she's staying, especially with the trial restarting next week. The kid's and Marilyn and I need all the support we can get.

*Marilyn's Point Of View*

The hardest thing about the past, is leaving it there. Somehow it always occurs in our family, making an appearance in our best days. Sadly, the past has chosen to affect someone else other than Michael and I; it decided on Jasmine.

"Snickers, I know what you told Aunt Janet.", I state, entering the library she disappeared to in the midst of this mornings drama. She's stretched out on a plaid recliner, sifting through a photo album. She remains silent, turning another page. "Snickers, talk to me love." I soothe taking a seat into the recliner adjacent to hers.

"Do you know how I looked when I was a baby?", She asks, flipping through another page. I glance over her shoulder at the page She is on, it's Brandon's and Dylan's combined baby photos. Seeing myself in her place, I sigh. Remembering asking the same question to my mother. I knew by the Look in her (my adopted mother; mother Burgess) eyes when I asked, I knew she didn't have an answer.

Now that I am sitting with Jasmine, I feel as if I'm looking in the mirror; I don't have the answer either. "You don't have my baby pictures do you?", She asks in a soft, disappointed tone. I reach over and flip to her page of the scrapbook. "No. But your father And I captured every moment you spent with us. Since you were eleven.", I Awe over her photo's.

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