~Chapter 59~

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*Michael's Point Of View*

I can't believe her. A cheater? I am a cheater for lying? I don't even know how she found out anyways. I don't know whether to be pissed about her accusation or feel guilty for lying. I do know that once again, my life is surrounded by drama.

Still feeling the sting of her accusation, I follow behind her as she continues throwing words my way. "Now i'm a cheater?! That's what this boils down to?!" I fuss, following her up the stairs. She whips her head back. "I'm not doing this right now. The kids are asleep," She huffs. I glare at her silently for a minute. She really thinks i'm going to let this go right now, yeah right. 

"No, You brought it up, let's finish it," I challenge. She rolls her eyes and continue up the stairs. Making a left turn towards our room, I continue pushing for an answer. "Why am i a cheater Marilyn?! Please tell me!" I demand, entering the room. "Michael, I am not in the mood right now," She snaps. She walks over to our bed and pulls off her robe. I really can't believe her right now.

"You know what? I am tired of this jealousy shit. I really am. You know I am married to you, you know i love you, So why in the Hell would I cheat on you?" I demand again, walking up to her. She has this cold glare in her eyes. It''s a glare I haven't seen in years. I will admit, it stings knowing i am making her this angry, but at this point i want her to feel my anger.

"Michael... I am done," She says lowly, standing up from the bed. I quickly grab her arm. "No. We're going to talk this out," My voice stood for no excuse. Her demeanor slightly changes. I can tel that she is scared by my time, I'm surprisingly glad she is.

"Sit down, please," She quietly obeys as i release her arm.

"I just want to know why i am a cheater,"

"Because, you lie about stupid shit. If i would have lied about my whereabouts, you'd have a fucking cow. Frankly, I am tired of your lies. What are you trying to aim for when you lie? Tell me that," She snaps, her glare returning.

I exhale deeply.

"I don't know why am always trying to be the good guy, at the end of the day my decisions are dumb and useless, right? I am always fucking up, right?" I huff. 

"Stop playing victim Michael. Common sense would've told you lying is stupid!" She screeches, throwing a pillow at me. I catch the pillow and throw it on the floor. Now she wants to claim I'm pulling the victim card, yet she can always bring up my cheating when we argue? Talk about a hypocrite.

"Want to talk about victims? et's talk about victims. You love bringing up my convection's or what ever, yet you have some of your own that you camouflage with your victim cards," I began, growing infuriated by the minute.

"What in Hell are you talking about?" 

"You! You and this insecurity bullshit! You think i don't know that the only reason you wanted to have another baby, is to distract me from the twins?! Well guess again, those are my kids, deal with it!" I dagger, clenching my fist.

She remains silent for awhile, her eyes growing watery. I can't even feel remorse for stabbing her with my statements, it all seems to be truthful in this moment. 

"And you know what else? Evelyn said the same thing, but I defended your ass. I know stupid of me right? Well you don't have to worry about my stupidity anymore, I'm done with this shit. I'm a grown ass man," I conclude, turning to walk away. 

She quickly snatches back my arm, having my eyes follow her equally raging pair. 

"Are you fucking drunk?! Are you so damn drunk, you can say disrespectful shit like that to me?! Have you lost your mind?!"

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