chapter 8- hooks and eyeliner

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Chapter 8- hooks and eyeliner

I opened my eyes to find my self back in the hospital, again. With a sigh I sat up. Emma was asleep in the chair, I was still in the outfit Belle gave me. Smiling I got up and walked into the bathroom and looked at my reflection, I what I saw scared me. The eye that was supposed to be bright blue and gold was being taken over by the gold and my hair was turning white. My blonde hair was the only thing about me and Chase that was the same, now I was losing that. Then I noticed the person behind me, I spun around but there was no one there. I looked at the mirror again and there he was. He had brown hair blue eyes and was dressed in green. He smiled and walked over next to my reflection.

" who are you"i asked in a whisper so wouldn't wake Emma in the next room. He didn't answer just smiled and disappeared. I looked around the room to make sure he was gone. With a sigh I mumbled"great I'm going crazy, I'm seeing things now lust want to go back to New York already. " with a sigh I walked back into the room, Emma was still asleep. I smiled and walked out into the hall and smirked when saw the sign on the wall that read " no cellphones". I walked down the hall. This wasn't very safe I mean people could right door

Which I did and no saw or stopped me. I walked along the quiet street, after awhile I reached the dock. In the distance I saw the sun rising. I had taken my bag with me when I left the hospital so with a smile I took out the photo of Chase and sat down on the edge of the dock just staring at the photo.

I heard Someone walk up behind me but I didn't turn around I just stared at the photo.

" little early to be out here isn't it" I turned to see a man in a long trench coat and boots. He had black hair and looked like he was was wearing eyeliner. He also had a hook for a hand.

" not really" I looked back at the sun that was just over the water. " I haven't seen you around before"

" I'm Mia" I stood up and held out my hand he shook it " Hook" I smiled "wouldn't of guessed" he laughed

I turned back to the sunset and put the photo back in my bag" it was nice was meeting you .....Hook" I walked passed him, as I did I read his mind. He was curious about me. As I walked through town, I saw that everyone knew each other. If only chase were here he would of loved it here, he liked small towns but I was more of a city person.

I walked around town,just exploring when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Emma running toward me. I really didn't want to talk right now so took off running.

" Mia come back"i heard her yell after me. " I don't want to talk right now, now just leave me alone" I sped up, it was a good thing I was faster then her.

I ran past hook, this guy was everywhere.

" hi Hook" I called as I passed him." Hook stop her" Emma yelled at him.

I once again sped up, I was on the track team in high school and the fastest runner on the team too.

" Mia I just want to talk please come back" I stopped and turned to her." Emma please just leave me alone"

" why did leave the hospital, you need help Mia" I glared at her.

" help me,.... Help me Emma you remember what happened the last time I tried to get help, they treated me like a lab rat, like I was something that needed to be fixed. Well guess what no more" I raised my hand and threw a trash can at her. She of course jumped out of the way, Hook on the other hand, no pun intended, got hit by it.

" they didn't understand Mia, they were trying find out how it happened" tears fell down cheeks" I fell out of a tree Emma and broke my wrist. I shouldn't have lived. " I turned to run when I had that feeling of a vision. I grabbed my head.

" no not now" the vision took me over before I could stop it.

I was in a barn, I could hear a baby crying and a heartbeat. A lady with green skin and red hair was in the middle of a circle pacing as if waiting for someone or something. On each point was a golden brain, a still beating heart, a broken sword and a crying newborn baby.

Then the scene changed

I saw a man holding a bow and arrow,his hood was up so I couldn't see his face but he was aiming at something in the sky, then it flew down like was going to attack him but he jumped out of the way just in time.

When I came to, Emma was standing over me and Hook was kneeling beside me rubbing his head. I blinked.

" Mia what did you see" I didn't answer her.

" Mia who died" I glared at her" No one Emma, I just can't tell you. You know that I have no control over who lives or dies" I stood up and started walking" Mia where are you going"

" away from you, I'm not something that can be fixed Emma" and with that I stormed off.

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