chapter 14 what are you hiding

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Chapter 14

Right now I was standing in the mayors office with the following people, Emma who was giving me sad looks Gold me had told her because she caught us on the beach while I was still crying, Regina, David who is Emma's dad, Mary Margaret who is Emma's pregnant mother, Belle who was looking at the ground, I know it was very awkward that her Boyfriend had a daughter that was almost the same age as her and hook who was watching Emma, he looked like he was hiding something, I wondered what so I sat there trying to get into his mind without him knowing but I was sadly failing, because every time I tried he would glare at me and Gold couldn't be in this meeting because he couldn't go against the dagger. We had buried Neal this morning but if I wanted this town to stay in one piece I had to control my emotions.

As I tried for about the 50th time sense I sat down, Hook finally snapped.

" will you bloody knock it off" he yelled at me

" knock what off Hook" I replied innocently.

" I'm just trying to find out what your hiding from Emma, Hook" I said with a smirk

" I... I don't know what you talking about" he said not meeting my eye

" your lying Hook, if you weren't I would be able to read your mind, now what are you hiding" I asked narrowing my eyes. I knew everyone was staring at me and Regina was smirking. Then an idea came to me and I smiled. I got up and walked behind Hook. I heard Emma sigh and she got up to because she knew what I was about to do, she knew me to well to give up on something. With a smile I placed a hand on his shoulder. I had a little secret with my power I could also combine them and make people see anything I wanted them to.

Looking over at David, Mary Margaret, and Regina I called out "you might want to cover your ears". They looked at each other then did as I said.

" last chance Hook what are you hiding" he didn't say anything so I simply smirked.

I started going through his worst memories forcing them to show them selves, the loss of his brother was the worst, then I went through the painful memories like when he lost his hand. That one made me stop and fall to ground, exhausted. Emma ran over to me and grabbed my shoulders.

" are you okay" I nodded and laughed" he's very hard headed" Hook lay on the ground holding his head. I Stood up, with Emma's help of course. I smirked and called out as I left" don't worry it'll wear off in a couple hours"

When I got home, I went right to bed. I so tired.

The next morning, I woke up early got dressed and headed down to the beach. I found this place calming. I made sure no one was around and held out my hand the water levitate and I smiled. I had learned at a young age I could do anything I wanted with just though, but I also learned it could be dangerous if it got out of hand. My abilities were run by emotion, as long as I was calm I had control. I made it form shapes,freeze and unfreeze then dropped back where it belonged. I heard clapping and I spun around to find henry.

" Mia that was awesome" he had seen it, my eyes widened. I got up and ran, I didn't need anyone asking questions I wasn't ready for them to know about the other abilities.

" wait Mia it's ok" but I didn't stop running until I was back at my apartment with the door locked. I sat on my bed with my knees up to my chest. I needed to be more careful, no one could know. I heard someone knock on the door.

" who is it" I called out hoping it wasn't Emma but sadly the universe hates me.

" it's Emma open up" the voice at the door answered

" I'm... I'm busy go away" I lied

" Mia please open the door, Henry told me" dang it

I was silent for a couple minutes before I called out"I don't want to talk about it, please leave"

" no I'm not leaving until you open this door and talk to me" she yelled through the door at me

" I said no, now leave"I yelled and heard a crash on the other side of the door.

" please Emma just go away" I heard her sigh on the other side of the door" fine but I'm getting gold" then I heard her footsteps fade away down the hallway. An hour later I heard footsteps in the hallway.

" go away I don't want to talk right now Emma" I said getting up and going to the door

" it's not Emma" with a sigh I opened the door to find Gold standing there. He looked tired like hadn't slept in months. I let him in and closed the door. " you look terrible" I said following him into the kitchen. I saw him frown.

" Neal wouldn't want us to not move on" I said with a sigh

" your avoiding the subject Mia" I heard him say" Henry told Emma that he saw you moving and manipulating water"

I closed my eyes" he was seeing things that's all" I lied

" your lying Mia"i turned to looked at him" I didn't tell the whole story about how I got my abilities" I took a deep breath sat down at the counter" it was the day after my 4th birthday and being just a silly kid I had climbed the tree in front of the orphanage, Emma was there but she wouldn't remember but for me it marked the worst day of my life. Somehow my bear had gotten stuck in the tree, still haven't figured out how, anyway my foot slipped and I fell. Now keep in mind there were no bushes around the tree. It was like time slowed down and the next thing I knew I was on the ground in a bush. The only injury I had was a broken wrist and it was healed two days later .Chase blamed himself because he wasn't there to help me and because he thought we were related it was even harder on him, I got mad at him because he wouldn't stop blaming himself, I threw him into a wall without touching him" I waited for his reaction but there was none, so I continued

" 4 years after, It was christmas and it was snowing, we went to the lake to skate and I went out to far. The ice broke and I fell in, all remember is feeling cold and then the next thing I knew I was in the hospital, but the weird thing was, I was still in my snow clothes yet completely dry, not a drop of water on me. My hair wasn't even damp. Over the years I gained for abilities. like Levitation, control over fire and water, speed. That's about it"

" so you have control over it" I nodded " only when I'm calm other then that pretty much" he nodded and smiled

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