chapter 5- see you again

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Chapter 5 - see you again

I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital bed. I let out a groan of pain and flinched. My bag was on a bedside table. I felt someone squeeze my hand and I looked over to see who was in the room with me and I felt like crying. With a smile I whispered "Chase your alive" he smiled back and shook his head" no sis your dreaming but you need to wake up now"

" but I want to stay here with you" I said grabbing his hand as he stood up. He chuckled" don't worry we will see each other again." I gave him a confused look "what do you mean"

" I'm can't tell you that you have to find out for yourself , just remember it's not goodbye forever just for now, okay" I nodded. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. He smiled once more then he just faded away along with the room. I closed my eyes again and drifted off.

My eyes fluttered open again to see that gold was sitting next in the chair this time but he was in a black suit and was holding a cane. Belle was there too but she was wearing a blue sweetheart lace dress and red high heels. I moved my head but I had a really bad headache.

"what happened, where am i" I mumbled.

"that's what we would like to know but as for the other question, your in a town called storybrooke" Belle told me. Gold just watched me like I was going to attack them or something. Belle got up and walked towards the door" I'll tell the doctor your awake"

I pulled my self up and winced. The door opened and a doctor came in carrying a clipboard.

" Hello my name is Dr. whale ( his real name on the show I checked. -_-) is it alright if I ask you a couple questions" I nodded which I quickly regretted as a pain went through my head.

He sat down in the chair on the other side of me and smiled." how do feel"

"my head just hurts" he wrote something on the clipboard" what do you remember"

" a... A castle" he nodded" how about your name and age"

" Mia fields I'm... 28" more writing" any family " I was silent for a few minutes then sighed and I answered" My brother was Chase fields he died June 15, 2013, my mother was maple fields and died august 16 ,1986, I never knew my father because he left when he found out she was having kids they never married." a tear fell down my cheek and the doctor graves my hand." you don't have to answer if you don't want to"

I wiped the tear away and smiled " no I'm fine" he nodded" any medical problems"

" I have dyslexia" he nodded" and medication" I shook my head." I'll have someone bring you something for your head" then he walked back out. Gold was still starring me.

" please stop starring at me, it's creepy" he just smiled. With a sigh I picked up my bag and pulled out my cellphone. My eyes widened when I saw the date. I had been gone a week, I unlocked it to find a message from my ex. I narrowed my eyes and deleted it.

The door opened and a nurse came in with a medication. She glared at Gold, still smiling he got up and left. She handed me the med and told me it would knock me out for while then left. I took the meds and fell asleep, instantly.

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