chapter 19 -

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Chapter 19 -

The next morning I walked down to shop to see a car out front, I smiled and ran inside. He was Standing in front of the desk, in his hand was a box with little swirls on top. When he heard the door opened he quickly hid it. he looked up and smiled.

" welcome back" I said hugging him" it's good to be back"

" I have something to tell you." I reached into my bag pulled out the pictures" I'm being watched" he picked up the one of us. " when did you get these"

" last night the person had Henry give them to me but there is something else" I pulled out the note.

" your birthday" I nodded " I think the person is going to make a surprise entrance"

" if someone approaches you come straight to me alright" I nodded and I heard the door open I turned edge to see Hook" I'm starting to think he's stalking me" I mumbled to my self as I walked past him. He caught my arm. I turned and glared. " you want another trash can thrown at you" he let go but as he did his hook scraped across my arm and I winced.

Gold must seen this because he narrowed his eyes.  I looked down and saw it was healing slower then it usually does.  I shrugged and kept walking. I walked into the library and over to Belle. Who was pacing.

Then I noticed the guy passed out on the floor" um who's that" I said pointing to the guy on the floor with a empty bottle and a brick.

" he broke in"

" oh" I said sitting on the counter. " Belle when me and Gold were in here did anyone else come in" she was silent for a minute then she shook her head.

" so how was the honeymoon" I saw her smile" we danced"

" I know it's been awkward between us but I hope that we can-" I stopped her there.

" Belle you don't have to say anything as long as you and him are happy, I'm happy" I said smiling. I pulled her into a hug. " if it could've been anyone I'm glad it's you" I pulled away and walked toward the door." Mia I have a question" I turned to look at her

" why does it always sound like your saying good-bye" I looked down and smiled" a month ago when Emma found me screaming in the bathroom, I saw something that scared me"

" what did you see"

" I saw myself lose everything,  but the thing that scared me the most was, I saw myself die and I know there is no way I can change it"

" have you told Gold" I shook my head" I don't want to worry him," I closed my eyes

" how did it happen Mia" I sighed" I drowned, then burned, then I was stabbed but only two of those have come true"

" two? "

" when I was little I feel in a frozen lake" her eyes widened" the doctors said I was lucky to be alive but I think it was more then luck" I turned and left.  As I walked I heard pan walking beside me.

" do you have to pop up randomly" I said without looking at him" actually yes"

" it was rhetorical"he shrugged. I sighed and stopped walking.

" I'm guessing you haven't asked you dear father how you can see me when im clearly dead"

" maybe because I don't want him to know"  I heard a cough behind me and I turned to see Gold with a raised eye-brow.  I gulped "  hi dad I did know you were there" I laughed nervously.

" who are you talking to"

" now don't think bad of me I didn't want you to have any more stress because you were on your honeymoon" I said looking at the ground" I can see the dead now" he didn't look shocked or mad. He just smiled" I thought it was something terrible but I still don't get who you are talking to"

I sighed and said" I'm talking to pan and he's really annoying" he laughed.

" anything else". I thought about telling him about what I saw, I wasn't going to hold anything back so I nodded" that day at granny's when my abilities exploded I saw my whole life but then" tears were falling down my cheeks" I saw my own death, it was horrible. I drowned, I was scrapped and then I was lit on fire over and over again"

" wait but you died three times" I nodded" you've already been stabbed and when you were younger you feel into a frozen lake" again I nodded

" we just have to keep you away from fire"

" but I've tried to change my visions and they've just come true no matter what"

" what vision"i looked at him"when I was little, Chase was adopted and we were separated, I saw him growing older but he was lonely and sad then the car crash happened but when I tried to change it by stopping them from separating us it still happened"

" but he survived" I sighed

" what if it doesn't work" he frowned" you were given this gift for a reason"i nodded" ok" and with a smile he turned and walked away.  I went home but I couldn't help but feel something was about to happen, something bad.

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