Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 ( Kyle )

I opened my eyes to see Kyle sitting in the chair next to my bed, I was in hospital. He smiled at me and stood up" well it seems you really are hard to get rid of."

" you tried to kill me, why"

" because, I needed a distraction"

"Why, what do you want and how did you know I had magic"

" because, Mia I'm not from this world" I raised an eyebrow in confusion. He picked up a book that sat on the bedside table and flipped through shaking his head." I come from the same world as everyone else in this town but my story begins with yours"

" my story? but I'm just the -"

" daughter of the dark one, said to be even more powerful then him, because your not bound by the laws of magic, that says it always comes with a price to pay." He walked around to other side of the bed and closer to me

" but I was born in this world not the Enchanted forest" I stated moving away from him only for a pain to go through me, I winced and he sat down on the bed near my feet." Says who, your father, Chase, Peter Pan perhaps" I glared at him and he chuckled" I know everything about you, your fears, desires, even your greatest wish." He leaned toward me

" what does the story have to do with you" he smirked

"Every story needs a villain" he placed the book on my lap and stood up." Chase texted me, what did you do with him"

" Chase ran away the moment I arrived at the mansion, he ran in fear."a tear fell down my cheek and I shook my head" your lying, Chase is no Coward" he laughed

" then where was he when I tried to kill you" he asked before adding" now, if youll excuse me i have to go and lock myself in a broom closet" then disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, I sighed and looked at book, Golden nature. I opened the book and began to read.

Onceupontimeinthelandoflightanddark, wereborntwochildren. Onewasnamed Kyle and the otherMaria. MariawasborninthedarkandKylethelight. MariawantednothingmorethantochooseherownpathandKylewantednothingbutpower. Therewas a landinthemiddlecalledtheshade, whereagreatwizardlivedthatcouldgrantanywish, foraprice. Bothwerewillingtogiveupanything.

Thewizardtoldthemthatinordertogetwhattheywantedtheywouldhavetofightforit, MariarefusedtofightbutKylehadotherideas. Bothweregiftedwithgreatpower. MariathesightofaseerandKylethestrengthandarrogance of awarrior. KylehatchedaplantogetridofMariabutshesawitcoming. ButbeforeKylecouldputhisplanintoaction, thelandsdeclaredwaroneachother.

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