chapter 15- not a bad person

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Chapter 15 -not a bad person

" I don't see why we are doing this,  I have control" I said as I once again levitated off the ground.

" because control isn't enough Mia,  you have to learn to use them not control them" I sighed as Emma and Regina came walking through the trees. I'm starting think these two don't like each other

"Gold have you seen Mia we've looked everywhere"i heard Emma say below me. not everywhere I thought as I levitated above them with a smirk. I held a figure to my lips to tell him to keep it's secret. He just winked.

" no not at all although I think I saw her in the library" I covered my mouth to hold back laugh. Then my nose started itch, oh no. i tried to hold it back but like I said the universe hates me.  I sneezed and they both looked up shocked as I fell on top of them. Then being Regina and Emma, gold was ten feet away leaning against a tree shaking his head. I just smiled innocently.

I gotta off of them and noticed my finger was pointing in an odd direction. I tried to hide it but Emma saw it and shot to her feet and grabbed my hand

" we need to get you to a hospital" I just smirked graves the finger and popped it back into place. She stood there shocked along with Regina.

" there all better" I said like nothing happened and flexing it. " Emma you should know by now I'm not normal" I said walking over to Gold" oh and Emma what ever happens tomorrow it wasn't by choice"

" what do you mean" I heard Regina call out. I sighed" you'll see" then I followed Gold out of the woods.

" Gold, what did Zelena mean when she said that I was like her"

" Zelena is Regina's older half-sister, her mother gave her up when she was a baby." I mouthed a 'oh'.

" Mia why don't you call me dad" I looked at the ground

" it just feels to weird. Going your whole life not having to use the word then one day having to use it" I explained and he nodded in response.

" what's weird is when I tried to read her mind I couldn't" he didn't respond so I dropped it.

" just remember Mia your not a bad person no matter what you have to do"

" but I don't want to do it, but if I don't she'll hurt someone"

" I know"we walked into the pawn shop and he went behind the counter. I just looked around.

I heard the bell on the door ring and I looked up to see that it was Hook. He glared at me and I just smirked.  He was still mad about the head thing. I pretended not to listen to their conversation.

" and what do I owe the pleasure"

" I need your help Gold"

" well I'm a little busy at the moment isn't that right Mia" I looked up and nodded.

"OK look, Zelena put a spell on me that if I kiss Emma her magic will disappear"

"sorry but I can't help you" I watched Hook storm out of the shop and slam the door the bell rattling behind him. " don't you ever wonder if someone going to break that bell coming in here." I said with a smirk. He just laughed.

" well I'm going home" I waved goodbye and walked out the door only to bump into Belle.

" hi Belle Gold's inside" she nodded and walked inside,it was still awkward between us.

I was halfway home when I heard footsteps behind me but when I turned around I didn't see anyone so I kept walking. I heard the footsteps again but kept walking but sped up only to hear them speed up too. I took off running and so did the footsteps when I rounded the next corner I peaked around there was no one there.

" come out I know your there" I called out when no one appeared I started getting scared and my hands started to get cold I looked down to see them covered in ice. My eyes widened, a new power. I took a step backward" please who ever is there come out,  I don't want to hurt you" I heard footsteps and a kid stepped out from behind a mail box and my eyes widened. I had seen him before. It was the kid from a month ago. The boy in the mirror.

" who are you"

" so it's true what I hear about you, you are powerful."

" I'll ask again who are you" I raising my hand.  He smirked" my name is Peter Pan and it seems you can see the dead" my eyes widened and I shook my head" your lying"

" am i" I took a step back then took off running. I ran into my apartment slammed the door and locked it.  I grabbed my phone and started dialing. I called the only person who wouldn't think I'm crazy. I called Dr.  Hopper. He picked up on the first ring

Hello this is Dr. Hopper, how can I help

Hello Dr. Hopper I was um wondering if I could set up an appointment, this is Mia fields

Yes I was still going by my adopted name

Oh hello Mia I've heard a lot about you. I was actually wondering when I could meet you'd some time when our lives are not in danger.

So about that appointment

How about now

OK I'm on my way, bye

Then I hung up. With a sigh I walked out the door and headed that way.

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