chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I stayed in my apartment, to afraid to leave it, encase I hurt anybody or if a certain someone made an appearance, yes was my birthday. Every hour someone knocked on my door trying to get me to come out but I ignored them, even Gold came by trying to get me to come out. I was on my bed crying my eyes out. My phone buzzed and I looked to see it was text message from Chase. I smiled reading.

My informat tells me that your losing control, and happy birthday sis - Chase

Yes and thank you- Mia

Meet me near the old mansion where your real father had his honeymoon - chase

I smiled and got up, I changed clothes since I hadn't changed since yesterday. I ran outside and into the woods. I got there just in time to see Gold throwing Hook against a fence. I saw someone run around the side of the house and I followed. Hook must of saw me disappear behind the house because he yelled" Mia, come talk some bloody sense into your father" I ignored him yelling" sorry, kinda busy so get in line"

I stopped seeing someone I thought i would never see again, my ex. He turned around smiling at me." Hello, sweetheart"

" Kyle, what are you doing in Storybrook , you don't belong here"

" your right I don't, but neither do you, Mia " I glared at him and crossed my arms" this is my home now, so go back to New York, back to your New girlfriend and leave me alone"he laughed like it was a joke

" how can I go back, when there is an ice wall blocking the way, besides I came all this way to see just how powerful you are and to give you a message, your not alone when it comes to being powerful."

" what do you mean, kyle" he smirked and raised his hand" I never loved you, and no one ever has" then a ball of fire flew towards me and i was thrown backwards. I cried out in pain, grabbing my stomach. He stood over me with a smile" goodbye for now, Maria" . then he was gone in a puff of purple smoke. I heard footsteps and David appeared over me.

" Mia, what happened your hurt"

" the pictures, he was here"his eyes widened in confusionnand he picked me up, I winced in pain and mumbled" I'm going to die, aren't I" my vision started blurring

" not if I have anything to say about it, you keep your eyes open, Maria" but his voice was muffled and my eyes closed.

Third person POV

David carried Mia to the car, the others following behind. Emma and Elsa were looking at the glowing ribbons that had appeared on there wrists, Henry sat with Mia's head on his lap while David drove( over the speed limit) to the hospital, Mary Margaret sat in the passenger seat holding on for dear life.

Hook and Gold on the other hand had went somewhere else. Gold to the Snow Queen's cave and Hook had gone back inside for the hat. When they reached the hospital, David threw open the door, picked Mia up carefully and carried her inside.

Doctors rushed to help Mia, they took her to the back, where they treated her burns but she was fading, slowly. After many minutes, they managed to save her but she hadn't woken up yet. No one was aloud to see her, because none of the were close family, except Henry and Emma but Emma went home and Henry was to young to be back there alone.

Every few hours her heart monitor would go off and a doctor would rush into the room, to see that she was having a nightmare but they couldn't do anything but sedate her. Gold hadn't shown up but Belle had. She sat next her holding her and reading the story she told belle had been one her favorites as a child.

When Mia had told her, Belle had laughed because the book was beauty and the beast. Belle had brought other books as well, all fairy tales like Peter pan, Rumpelstiltskin and Alice in wonderland, but she had brought one she knew Mia would like, a story that Even Belle hadn't read. It was called Golden Nature.

When she started reading it, Mia's hand moved like she was waking up so Belle kept reading. She finished the book but Mia hadn't woken up yet. She left the book next her bed in case she woke up, when no one was there for her to talk to and Mia did wake up, The next morning but she wasn't alone.

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