chapter 6- overload

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(Her outfit above)

Chapter 6 - overload

They let me out of the hospital the next day, I just walked around town exploring. Belle had brought me an outfit to wear sense mine was covered in mud. When I came back I guess from the other world, my dress had magically switched with it to the outfit from a week ago. I was looking through my my bag to see if I had any money when i bumped into someone. I looked up in shock sitting in front of me was my child hood friend, Emma swan. We looked at each other in shock just sitting there. I was the first to speak though.

" Emma" I smiled and she smiled. I got up and helped her up then She hugged me which knocked the breath out of me.

"Mia it's so good to see you but what are doing here, Is chase here" I looked at the ground at her question.

She sighed. I held back the tears by saying" we can't let the past bother us"

" so how has the you know been going" she said meaning my abilities.

" they just have been getting out of hand lately, when I found out what happened to Chase, I threw my TV across the room." I looked away.

" come on I want you to meet someone" she grabbed my hand pulled me toward a Restaurant called" Granny's". We went inside and over to a booth where a little boy was sitting with a book. He had brown hair and Grey eyes. I then realized he was the kid from my vision.

" hey Emma, who's this" he asked smiling he looked a lot Emma. Hmmm.....

" hey kid this is my oldest and most delusional friend Mia fields" she smirked at the delusional part.

I narrowed my eyes and half yelled" I'm not delusional"

" oh really then explain the time you thought you saw aliens"

" they weren't aliens ,they were leprechauns and they took my favorite bear, the point is we were five and it was after I fell out of a tree" I snapped glaring. That was when the kid started laughing." you said I could fly" she smirked. I childishly stuck my tongue out at her which just them laugh harder. Then I got that feeling when a vision was coming. I got up and ran for the bathroom once inside I locked my self in. I looked in the mirror to see sweat on my forehead, I felt like I was on fire. Then a pain shot through my head, I cried out and fell to the ground. It was like my head was about to explode. I saw flashes of the past, Chase and me in the park, my 7th birthday, my high school graduation, Chase's funeral. I cried out again as I saw my own future, and scariest of all my own death, I even felt it. The bathroom door flew open. The flashes kept coming over and over and over again. I saw Emma kneel down next to me trying to help but no one could. It was like my own Brain was trying to claw its way free. The flashes finally stopped but then it just got worse I heard the voices the thoughts, every where. I started screaming and crying out

"Emma make it stop ,stop the voices ,the thoughts"

" Block them out mia"

" I can't it hurts" I felt someone pick me and then everything went black but the last thing I heard was laughter.

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