chapter 17-I should be dead

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Chapter 17-i should be dead

As I opened my eyes all I could feel was pain, nothing but pain. I muffled yelling and blurring colors. as everything became clearer, I let out a moan of pain,I could make out one face.

" Neal" he smiled and disappeared but his face was soon replaced with Someone else's, Gold's

" daddy" he smiled" I'm so glad your awake, your wounds healed, but I thought you would never wake up" I pulled myself and smiled at him" what happened, where's Zelena, the baby and everyone" he chuckled

" everyone's fine, Zelena is in the jail cell at the sheriffs office and the baby is with his family." he put something in front of me. I looked up to see misty, she looked brand new. Her eye was fixed and she was wearing a new outfit, I don't care if I was 28 and acting childish I could act the way I wanted to, so there.

" I have to do something but I'll be back alright" I nodded and watched him walk out the door. I picked up and smiled. I heard a cough when I looked up I saw Neal sitting in the chair by my bed.

" Neal what are you doing here" he smiled and crossed his arms

" what can't I watch out for my little sister"

"he misses you neal"

" I know but nothing can bring me back, nothing can bring back the dead" he said with a sigh" I do have one question for you, why is pan hanging around you"i just shrugged. I heard a knock on the door and it opened. It was Emma and Hook, oh great they were ganging up on me now. I sighed and laid back down.

" why didn't you tell me she had threatened you" I closed my eyes ignoring her. I heard my heart monitor starting to speed up." please Mia tell me"

" go away Emma"

" no I'm not leaving until you give me an answer, I'm done with you pushing me away" I opened my eyes and sat up, glaring at her. Then my heart monitor started screeching as I yelled out" go. Away. Emma" my voice didn't sound like my though. then I threw open the door and threw both her and Hook out of it. I slammed the door before they could even stand up then I curled into a ball and cried.

" Emma she lost her brother and found her family all in one day,then she almost dies,her life has been nothing but stress from the moment she was born give her some time" I could see David talking with Emma through the little window in the door. He looked at me and caught me watching he smiled then walked away with Emma right behind him. With a sigh I closed my eyes and feel asleep.

A lot happened in the next few days only I wasn't involved in any of it, except of course Belle and my dads wedding. Yep I now had a new-step mother and I loved her, even if we were almost the same age. Anyway they were going on a honey moon but I wasn't going. They wouldn't be far because of the stupid boundary line around the town. Hook and Emma somehow went back in time and broke it by making her parents not meet but then fixed by reuniting them and then broke it again by bring back Robin Hood's wife. But they brought back something else we are just not sure what yet.

Where was I during all this, in my cozy little apartment with my teddy bear drinking tea and watching, beauty and the beast, weird how the beast in the story is my father but who cares. It had just gotten to the part where they are going into to the castle singing kill the beast. When I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and got up. It was Emma I went to close the door but she stuck out her foot.

" Emma Im not talking to you so just go away"

" I'm not here about Zelena, I'm here about the giant snow monster that is raging around outside" my eyes widened and I sighed" fine I'm coming" the I closed the door and got dressed, turned off the TV and headed out the door. I followed Emma down stairs, the monster wasn't hard to find. It was chasing Hook

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