Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Vanya!" Vidya exclaimed, embracing Sanchi in her feather-like arms. "Isn't it more than amazing to see you...yes you as the wife of Vihaan! I mean how's it possible? How did you meet him?"

Sanchi swallowed hard before separating from Vidya, to stare into her midnight black eyes. "Vid-ya, we just got marr-ied coinci-dentally. But how are you here? We didn't even see each other aga-in after you left that day, I mean yea-rs ago....I mean..." Her voice cracked a little.

"I did not leave, you sent me away," Vidya corrected her and continued, "And we are again seeing each other after more than a six years interval. How time flew by, right?"

"I know..." Sanchi faced the mirror again to hide the moisture appearing in her dark brown eyes. "Time flew and I miss-ed you, my best pal for...for life."

Vidya hugged her again and spoke in a throbbing voice, her sound choking within her throat, "Vanya, I had a lot many sleepless nights without you when I left for London to achieve the medical degree. We were habituated staying together since childhood, how could I have accepted your absence in my life?"

"I faced worse than that. You were my miss-ing pres-ence and I felt bad for send-ing you away to comp-lete the deg-ree. I used to sleep cry-ing to bed daily beca-use I used to miss my best friend like the hell miss-ed it's ashes." Sanchi cried her heart out against the curve of Vidya's neck.

"I don't know what had happened to you all of a sudden. We spoke over phone for a few months since then but you stopped responding later. When I visited your house last to last year after returning from London, your family informed me that you left the house, I mean abandoned it totally. Why was it? Though I remembered vaguely of all the problems you were facing before I left but you assured me that you could handle them alone." Vidya squeezed Sanchi's arms.

"That's a long sto-ry Vidya. I'll tell you some other day. Today is not the pro-per day to dis-cuss this." Sanchi lowered her gaze.

Vidya studied Sanchi with her observant eyes before asking her, "I can sense something is definitely wrong with you. Something very grave must had taken place which forced you to leave the house. I'm very much acquainted with every nerve and sinew of your body and I can tell you are devastated from within. But what's with the 'Sanchi' name? Vihaan's wife is Sanchi, right?"

"Yes, I've chan-ged my name leg-ally a cou-ple of years ago and I go by my new iden-tity since then," Sanchi confirmed, slipping her feet into the heels.

Vidya grabbed Sanchi by her arm as her eyes narrowed to ask, "So you didn't tell me what's with 'the Vihaan' thing? I mean he marrying a woman is unbelievable."

Sanchi's mouth dropped the moment she heard Vihaan's name. Vidya was her best friend since childhood, right from the day they were born. Their parents were family friends and their fathers were coworkers. Their families used to stay as neighbors at Gwalior, some six hundred kilometers away from Indore.

One day, Vidya's father received some huge offers and shifted to Indore to expand his own business in the oil EXIMs and transports. His wife and elder son also accompanied him while Vidya stayed behind to be only with Sanchi. Sanchi's parents took up the responsibilities of Vidya wholeheartedly while Vidya's father deposited her monthly expenses in Sanchi's father's account timely.

Both were of the age of fifteen when Vidya's family left and they completed their schooling together. Vidya was already a science student and her interest in biology paved her passion for medical sciences. It was only on Sanchi's insistence that Vidya had appeared in the entrance examination and received scholarship from one of the colleges at London. She refused to accept it because her heart was not ready to leave Sanchi alone in India, surrounded by too many problems.

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