Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"But I was wrong, you didn't deserve this."

The last words of Vihaan continued echoing in Sanchi's mind throughout the whole day. Vihaan had left for the bureau and Sanchi spent the whole day taking rest and doing a little household chores.

She knew she had misinterpreted Vihaan in a wrong way and only asking for forgiveness would not be enough. To show her sincere apologies, she collected the details of all his favorite food items from Durga.

The little time she spent at the kitchen, she was chattering with Durga and learnt that Vihaan hated spicy foods and loved double cups of coffee. She also learnt a few of his other habits as she cooked some less spicy foods in dinner for him.

Virendra appeared earlier than expected from the bureau while Vihaan and Dheeraj hadn't yet returned. He smiled at Sanchi and asked, "Have you cooked the dinner tonight?"

Sanchi nodded in affirmation and Virendra continued, "I had something important to talk to you, Sanchi. It's about Vidya."

Virendra narrated all his plans of uniting Vidya and Dheeraj, and how he had created the distance between them. After Sanchi heard everything, she shook her head. "Sir, you..."

"Wait Sanchi," Durga interrupted, "He isn't your Sir anymore. You have to call him dad and similarly, I'm your mom. Is that clear?"

Sanchi cleared her throat, "Yes 'maa' and 'papa', will it be better?"

They laughed together and Virendra ordered in his grumpy voice, "Now let's get back to our discussion."

"The un-told love story of my dear-est soul-mate says that she has not chan-ged in these years. She is still the stub-born girl who woul-dn't utter a word of her feel-ings to any-body. Only I know how to ext-ract words from her mouth," Sanchi assured them.

"You'll play your own part but what about Dheeraj? He's also no different from Vidya," Durga asked, taking a seat at the dining table.

"If we can at least get Vidya spill her beans, we shouldn't worry for Dheeraj. He won't take much time," Virendra said and chuckled when he saw something. "Look, who have arrived?"

Vihaan walked in through the entrance, meddled in his own thoughts. Dheeraj entered following his brother and both of them disappeared along the stairs. Sanchi's heart fluttered at the sight of her disheveled husband and she couldn't help but sigh feebly.

"Was it a hectic day at the bureau? Both my sons look tired but you seemed fine when you returned home," Durga asked Virendra the exact question that was running in Sanchi's mind.

"No, everything was fine at the bureau. Both your sons were busy solving cases in their own lives the whole day." Virendra chuckled again.

Durga frowned, confused of her husband's merry instincts. "Stop confusing me and tell me the reasons."

Sanchi became more attentive when Virendra started to narrate, "Dheeraj visited Vidya's house today to meet her but she simply refused. Hemant informed me over phone and he exactly did what I had instructed him to."

"Does Hemant uncle know about your plans of uniting them?" Sanchi was gaping widely.

"Even your Garima aunt knows it. Both the families have approved of the relationship except the love birds." Virendra laughed loudly this time.

"What happened then?" Durga was losing patience.

"When Dheeraj was leaving their house unsuccessfully, Hemant requested him to visit their house on the upcoming Sunday. He told Dheeraj that he had selected a boy for Vidya and that Dheeraj should attend the meeting to at least check on the guy if he was fit for Vidya. And you know what, your lame son agreed to help Hemant with choosing the guy for her." Virendra fell back to his chair laughing harder.

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