Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Vihaan playing the guitar backstage and lending his voice during the police festival was something that Sanchi was confused of. She knew how he had sealed all his qualities into a tortoise shell, enshrouding his real self from the entire world. Yet her heart wanted to bring the old and best Vihaan out of him.

Her direct enquiry embarrassed Vihaan a little. Tightening his hand on the steering and letting his knuckles turn white, he spoke aloud, "I was behind the singing but now since you know it, I suppose you will not create a fuss about it before anyone else."

"I won't but that does-n't bring us any-where. If I really meant some-thing to you, you could-n't have hid-den it from me. I sho-uld have at least known who was hid-ing behind that silho-uette backstage. I would have better enjoy-ed listen-ing to your voice rather than wast-ing my time to figure out the fami-liar voice ins-tead," Sanchi said loudly, tears encircling her eyes.

Vihaan moved out of the car and stood facing her. "To play the band was never my intention if the accident of our guitarist hadn't happened. Also I didn't get the time or opportunity to inform you."

Sanchi stepped near him to touch his arm lightly. "You poss-ess such a hidden talent but you have never told me, Vih-aan. It's very disheart-ening to find out about my spe-cial friend's secret tal-ents in such a way."

Bulging his eyes and inhaling the warm breeze around them, Vihaan spoke feebly, "I have abandoned my passion for music a few years ago and I don't want to bring the tale of my hurting past on my lips again. I don't want to tell lies to you but not even the hurting truth."

"I kn-ow and I can't even for-ce you. I'm the one who refu-sed to share my past with you and I can't exp-ect the same from you." Sanchi apologized. "If the past hur-ts you that much, why don't you for-get it?"

"Please Sanchi, I don't want to discuss this anymore. I don't want you to delve into my past and hurt me in the process," Vihaan raised his voice a little.

Taken aback, Sanchi turned away from him. "I won't but isn't it the rea-son why you ha-ve the cold war with your mot-her?"

Sanchi could hear Vihaan sighing loudly behind her and then speaking, explosion in his voice. "This topic is not something we need to discuss. I have some personal priorities and a private space which I don't really want anyone interfering in it. I'm sorry if it hurts you which is not my intention but I really mean it."

"I don't rea-lly want to intru-de but, I will wait with bated brea-ths for the day when a son stops long-ing for his mother and takes sol-ace in her protec-tive lap," Sanchi uttered in a single breath.

"Sanchi! You are deliberately...." Vihaan yelled, coldness in his voice.

Sanchi turned towards him again when she heard Vihaan's voice suppressing behind her. She wasn't really wrong in guessing for she saw tears in his eyes for the first time. It was unusual for her to witness the pain of a person like Vihaan. "You love your mot-her more than any-one can ima-gine. Don't you?"

When Vihaan feared to respond, water droplets had already started pricking his eyes. Sanchi was someone who was becoming the witness to his silent and secret pain. Inching the gap between them, Vihaan wrapped his arms around her and hid his face in the crook of her neck.

"I love my mother and I was always a mom's boy since childhood. It is weird now that we are not even on talking terms but then she had dug the hole herself." Vihaan choked back a tear, trying to pretend that he was strong.

"I rea-lly don't know what may have happen-ed but I req-uest you to please forg-ive her. There's noth-ing greater than forgive-ness in this world and I know she's wait-ing for you to em-brace her like bef-ore," Sanchi pleaded, caressing his stubble.

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