1. Annabel Lee

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You hated walking by yourself at night. Although since you were gifted you weren't exactly defenceless, your ability often caused more problems for you once activated. It was a flaw, it was your weakness. You hated weakness, too. The only thing you disliked more than being weak and being alone in the darkness under watchful stars, however, was the cold.

Unfortunately for you, tonight you had to deal with all three things.

When you first heard the footsteps behind you, you had just been passing by a lively street, tourists chatting away in many different tongues you couldn't recognize, couples walking about happily. There was nothing to worry about then, because you weren't alone. As you kept walking further, the footsteps never stopped unless you stopped, never hesitated unless you did. Whoever it was following you, they had the clear purpose of keeping you close. Never once did you turn around, but you should have. Maybe then you would have realized it was not one, but 2 large men following you.

You did not notice your mistake until you passed a dark, uninviting alley-way, cursing yourself for choosing an apartment which required you to pass through such a threatening, enclosing space to get in. Taking a deep breath in, you quickened your pace as you walked through the concrete pathway.

It was not long before you felt a sudden blow to your legs, causing you to fall hard on the pavement, your knees scraping against the cold, jagged ground as you let out a gasp and a yelp of pain.

No no no no no no, please no. I don't want to use it.

Suddenly, a strong grip held your shoulder and pushed you down against a wall, your head snapping back, hitting the wall with such force, you soon felt your own warm, blood slowly drizzling down your face as your vision blurred, causing you to not see your attackers very well. From what you make out, the person holding you was a tall, broad-shouldered man with dark, horribly messy hair. A smirk played at his lips as he looked you over with a terrifying hunger.

Then, the man holding you spoke. Head pounding, you couldn't quite understand what he was saying. He sounded amused, as if he was asking permission to play with a new toy. But who was he talking to? At this point it didn't matter really, you knew you were in danger. You knew they wanted more than just money from you, but you also knew it was over your dead body you'd let them get away with it.

Trembling, you lifted a hand and touched the man's body just as the grip on your shoulder tightened, the man leaning in to place his disgusting lips on you.

Annabel Lee

In a panic, you activate your ability, which allows you to induce anyone you touched with an overwhelming feeling of love, or rather, lack of love, an emptiness that could drive any human to death. Your power is the power you could hold over one person. Everyone acted differently to your ability, not one person ever reacts the same. Some start crying, yelling, wallow in their own despair, frozen to anything around them. Others are eerily calm, their eyes losing life, losing purpose. However, there were some with abilities that were activated like they were trying to defend themselves from...themselves.

Unfortunately there were consequences. The effects of Annabel Lee in turn, could kill you too. The effects were much slower, but you could always feel them when they started to consume you. What was it exactly? It was coldness. A cold unimaginably strong, starting at your fingertips and running up, until your whole body shivered, skin freezing to the touch. The crazier the victim became, the closer to kissing death you came. You never understood why it happened, it just did. As if the coldness you placed in their hearts and mind physically damaged you too.

Now outlined in a dark blue aura, the man who had been holding you let go without warning, his breathing became heavy, and he dropped to his knees, tears starting to stream down his eyes. Then, he started sobbing. He muttered nonsense to himself, the other man behind him looking at him with confusion, and then at you with an understanding. Fear flashed in his eyes and forgetting about his partner, he fled like a coward.


You hugged your body as you felt a breeze tingle at your spine, knowing it was a breeze only you could feel. All you wanted was to go home. Now you were stuck, watching a man suffer as your body temperatures only got worse.

"Make it stop, make it stop!" The man in front of you doubled over, clutching at his heart as tears no longer had the strength to come out.

"No. You deserve this pain" you finally spoke, your voice quiet, the world spinning in front of you told you you had hit your head harder than you thought, yet you were still trying to keep your full concentration on keeping as warm as possible.

If you didn't stop soon, you would pass out. It was requiring too much strength from your damaged body, but an anger boiled in you from the horrid situation this man almost put you through.

Like you said, over your dead body would he get away with it.

To your surprise, out of nowhere the man stood up, a sudden fire in his steps, except he wasn't turned to you, he was turned to the streets outside the alley.

What's this?

The man then smiled a smile that was beyond sanity, and just as a truck drove by, he ran and jumped, killing him instantly.

The cold that had taken you over subsided, shock overcoming you in its place. Your eyes widened, that has never happened before. Never had you killed someone with your ability.

Why don't I feel guilty?

When you moved to Yokohama, Japan, your parents had told you you were crazy for moving so far from home. You were obviously not native to the country, or at least not that area, but yet you insisted on it happening. You didn't care. After learning of your ability, and hearing about all the activity with gifted people here, you knew you had to come to here.

2 years had passed and this was the first time you had to use your ability.

Why did it feel good?

Slowly you sat down on the ground, gently leaning your body against the alley wall, letting out a deep breath. Your knees were ripped and bloody, your face smudged red from your efforts in wiping off the blood with your hands. Your shoulder was bruised, everything hurt.

Because it was me or him.

Eyelids fluttering from exhaustion, or maybe it was from the concussion you surely had, the last thing you saw was a lean figure walking over to you, assessing the situation and lifting you up into their arms.

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