5. The Port Mafia

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"Still out? You better wake up. I will not get into trouble just because you decided to be pathetically fragile." A distant, low, coarse voice spoke to you with strong disgust, reaching out and holding your chin as if to inspect your face before roughly letting go.

You groan as you re-gain consciousness, squinting your eyes to try to adjust to the darkness of the room you were currently in. You recognize the person in front of you as the one who kidnapped you, and out of instinct you try to move away. However, you find that your hands are in shackles beside you and you're against a wall of cement.

"Don't bother. It's almost impossible to escape now that you're with the Port Mafia"

Standing, you tug your hands forward in a poor attempt to free them, hanging them loose when you take in that he was right, you couldn't get out even if you tried.

"Are you deaf as well?" The man looks at you boredy, and in that moment you were sure he was forced to be here.

"No. But I advise you let me go anyways, I have nothing to offer for the Port Mafia" you tell him with as much strength in your voice as you can muster, keeping your head up, refusing to let him out of your sight.

"Lying already? Do you have a death wish?" The man in front of you coughs as he rolls his eyes at you.

"You'd be dead if it were my choice. Unfortunately you're apparently gifted and can be of use to the Mafia. Of course, you've already spoken to the Armed Detective Agency, so if you refuse we will have to kill you." He informs you in a monotone voice, looking you over and coughing once again.

"The Port Mafia wants me?!" You repeat in disbelief.

Should I have listened to Dazai?

"Well, if you prove to be as worth our time as the boss says you are, then that would be ideal...but there are other ways we could use you. In my opinion, getting money for you would be much better" he confirm, stepping a bit closer to you. "All you've proved so far is weakness."

"I am not weak" you growl, furious now with your own confusion and decisions. "And I will not let people use me for their own gain!"

Quicker than you could have anticipated, the man slaps you hard across the face, leaving a sting on your cheek, gasping at the sudden pain.

"You should be lucky someone as stupid as you is even being considered for the mafia."

Loud steps interrupt the 'talk', and you suddenly hear a strong voice calling out towards the two of you.

"Akutagawa! The boss is waiting. Is the girl-" the voice stops, finally making it to the bottom of the stairs and looks at you both, sharp irritability spreading across his whole body.

"Chūya...she needed to be taught a lesson of respect. She really is nothing special." Akutagawa says with a sigh, walking toward the one he called Chūya.

Looking more closely, you are able to make out what Chūya looks like and, for a port mafia member, are pleasantly surprised. Auburn hair reaching his shoulders curves into his face with elegance, sharp blue-grey eyes demanding all that he sees to respect him. A large black coat hangs off his shoulders, and he wears a white button up shirt under a dark red vest, solid black choker, black ribbon bolo tie, an open black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, black slacks, and a black belt hanging off his right hip. You notice he has black gloves on and a black fedora on his head.

"You shouldn't have mishandled her without the order to freely do so, Akutagawa. Especially if the boss asked for her specifically" Chūya says with a sigh, pushing past Akutagawa to get a better look at you.

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