23. Broken // With You

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**You can skip through Chūya or Dazai's ending parts if you don't want to read one of their's. Feel free to read both or just one.**


Broken (Chūya Ending Part 1)

I deserve punishment.

Without hesitation, Akutagawa lets his Rashomon run loose, the monster made of cloth turning into multiple daggers impaling you everywhere. You gasp, your shoulders both gushed out blood, the warm red liquid staining your skin. Your stomach is no exception. Searing pain everywhere, you try hard to keep your consciousness intact; your vision turns red, and suddenly all the treatment you got from Yosano felt like a complete waste. Akutagawa had hit you in the places where the suffering would last longer, but without any immediate attention you would surely die.

But I asked for it didn't I?

He calls back his ability, leaving you to double over and land on your knees while coughing out blood. You can hardly move, nothing but pain overtaking your senses. While on the ground, you look up towards Akutagawa, his eyes watching you struggle with no emotion.

"Give up. There is no longer any use for you."

His voice is low with not a trace of regret.

You take deep breaths, your hands on the ground trying to keep your body from falling over. Your eyes tear up from the horrid ache of the wounds, but you don't take them off of the man in front of you. You make an effort to stand despite bleeding out on the floor, but as soon as you make the effort, Akutagawa hits you across the face, your already pained body begging to be numbed as new areas sting. You fall against the ground, the gravel carving marks on knees, all of you ready to give up. With your ears ringing, you don't hear what else Akutagawa says, your vision blurring as you feel your consciousness slip.

I just wanted to make things right.


A voice...Dazai?

You don't have the strength to turn and check. All you can do is stare up at Akutagawa, his grey eyes fixated on Dazai now. Something seems to click in his head, because Akutagawa reaches over to you, pulling you up and pressing you against him despite the mess, his arm placing pressure against your stomach, preventing any more blood to seep through. Your back on his chest, there is nothing soft about how he holds you. You are a prisoner, and you confirm that as soon as you see Dazai's face of horror as your are pulled just out of reach, his hand extended in fear that looked so unnatural on his face.

Too late.

"You like her. Fitting...except her life doesn't matter to me..." Akutagawa says, his voice harsh against your ear as he speaks directly to Dazai, his grip on your tightening.

You try to look away or push against Akutagawa with the strength you have left, but you aren't given the chance as Akutagawa grabs your hair and pulls on it to force you to keep your head straight, your [e/c] eyes shedding a tear as they watch Dazai in front of you, your heart breaking as you watch the indecisiveness in his face, his body frozen in place like he'd never faced anything like this before. You would not be let go alive, he knows. Yosano was right, you just end up hurting everyone.

"However...I'm willing to make a deal just for you, Dazai. I'll let her live if I take her back to the Port Mafia. The detective agency can never contact her again. Whatever notions of being saved she had will vanish when she realizes we're her only hope."

Although being pulled into the hands of despair, your crying ceases, instead replaced by a stone cold mask of shock at Akutagawa's offer. You don't move, you can't. You want to yell, but you're scared all the air in your lungs will leave you to death.

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