13. Trapped

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You thought taking on the first mission whispered your way would be a good idea, that it would take away all the distractions from last night. Instead, you failed to read the description and you were now at a job that had the Armed Detective Agency involved. The mission was simple. Kill the person that had gone rogue and was attempting to leak Mafia secrets. Except it wasn't just that, because you didn't notice that the agency was trying to protect them in exchange for an edge. You recalled the rest of the Black Lizard advising you not to go alone, and you remember your desperation to leave before you ran into Chūya, so of course you didn't listen. And of course this was the outcome.

When you arrived at the building you were meant to assassinate the person in, you didn't expect to hear multiple voices, and when you listened in carefully around the corner of the room, you recognized one voice. Atsushi's. There was someone's that you couldn't quite place, and based on the shadows, there were two other people in the room. One of course being the rogue, and the other was a mystery to you.

I still need to carry out the job.

Calming your breathing down, you wait for the voices to quiet down and the shadows to shift around until you were sure there was only the target in the room. In almost absolute silence, you open the door to the apartment room, seeing the man you were expected to kill sitting, his back to you, in front of a small window typing away at a computer. You knew you needed to get it done quick before anyone came back in, which meant you couldn't do anything fancy with you ability, so you revolve to just using your silenced gun for a quick kill. With no hesitation you pull out the gun, point, and you shoot, killing him instantly. The man's body drops down to the floor, blood was pooling under the body, and you could see his eyes rolled back in the pain from the shot, his screams never making it out. For good measure, you shoot the computer.

A yell of confused horror fills the room, and your heart jumps into your throat. You back away and turn to meet Atsushi's eyes, purple-green orbs mixed with so many emotions at seeing this scene unfold in front of him, and an outrage so big at seeing you to be the cause of it all. Green snow-like light surrounds you, and you feel an arm grab your shoulders and pull you against them, the sharp coolness of a knife again at your neck. With your arms free, you didn't panic, but then Atsushi yelled at the boy (Tanizaki, you'd heard his name was),holding you threateningly, to not let you touch him, and that's when your face drained of colour and you felt a different tap on your shoulder, the ability you were trying to activate no longer working because of one man's ability.


That was the mysterious shadow you didn't place.

It had been a while since you'd seen him, but unlike you, he hardly looked different. His same brown hair fell against his face, the same brown eyes pooled with gold in the dim morning light shining through the window met yours. His stature was nothing but calm, the way he moved was strong but graceful. You always knew he was handsome, but it hit you differently when you had tried so hard to forget him and what he stood for in the days you'd known him. Light, unreachable expectations.

"[f/n], you've caused such a mess here. Now we can't let you go" Dazai says, looking you over with a hint of...sadness was it? Disappointment? Probably the latter.

Atsushi stays silent, shaking as he bends over the dead body and looks at you, the same shocked and outraged look he had before now overcome by sadness. He looked like he wanted to ask you so any questions, but he didn't have the courage to hear the answer.

"What are you going to do then? He was bound to die sooner or later" you scoff, heart racing.

If you were captured, nobody would save you would they? You were good, but you weren't as valuable as Gin, or any of the more experienced Black Lizard member. Your mind flashed to Chūya, and you almost hoped they just killed you right then and there. You doubted Chūya would care much if you went missing, but even if he did, you weren't sure if you could face him finding you so stupidly caught.

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