9. Trouble at the Harbour

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You find Akutagawa waiting outside your door after you got ready, the surprise of seeing him so calm in front of you gave you a small sense of unease. Usually he had something insulting to say any time he saw you, but for today he seemed oddly quiet. The both of you walked out of the Port Mafia headquarter building in total silence, Akutagawa never sparing you a glance as you walked next to him.

"Why are you taking on this mission? Isn't it mine and Chūya's if it's connected to the gang we raided the other day?" You ask, not being able to take the silence anymore.

Akutagawa coughs, ignoring your question.


No answer.

"Akutagawa!" You reach out to pull at his arm so he'd stop ignoring you, but without hesitation, Akutagawa stops in his tracks and activates his ability, using a piece of Rashomon to hold your wrist to stop you from touching him.

"Must you always be so annoying?" He asks, his tone haughty, irking you to your core.

"Maybe if you answered me in the first place I-"

"I asked to be part of this job instead of Chūya. He is always bragging that you're becoming such a great asset to the Port Mafia. I wanted to see for myself." He interrupts you mid sentence, letting go of you and continuing to walk, you following behind him. "Besides, we don't need an executive on such a quick job"

Not satisfied with the answer, you huff and just continue walking, convinced that if you tried to talk to him any longer you'd get an urge too strong to control to strangle hin, and by the time you acted out on it you'd be dead.

After a few long minutes, you and Akutagawa stop at a corner in front of the docks, a group of people were unloading crates from a small boat. It was unclear what exactly was in the crates, but you had a feeling it was far from legal.

"Here's what we're going to do. Our job is to remove any liabilities to the mafia and find out where they came from and why they are so keen on trying to steal our resources." Akutagawa instructs you "I will take care of them. You just have to go into their boat and try to find some of their plans on documents. Anything that will lead us to their leader...who we found out was not at the place you and Chūya raided, got it?"

You nod, Akutagawa not giving you time to ask any questions as he leaves you behind, rushing on to the battle grounds and attacking everyone on sight. Around him, guns started shooting, each bullet missing the demon that he seemed to become.

While everyone is distracted, you sneak into the boat where the crates were coming from, crouching so you weren't so visible. Just as you find a folder of files near the front of the boat next to the captain's seat, you hear the clicks of a gun behind you. Without hesitation, you spin around and pull out then shoot your own gun, hitting the attacker straight in the chest. The man yells in pain and you shoot him once more, killing him instantly.

A surge of satisfaction rushes through you as you stare at the man, your own heart beating rapidly as the blood on the floor increases. Remembering your dream, you whisper to yourself, a crazed fire lighting up in your eyes.

"This power. This control. I am more than my ability and I will do anything to keep it."

You turn back around pick up all the papers you find relevant, stepping over the body and blood and walking out back into the clearing.

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