26. To Love and be Loved by Me

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'It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me...'


Chūya Ending Part 4/4

I never meant to hurt you, Chūya.

That was shown the moment your eyes reflected his same pain.

You still mean a lot to me.

Your thoughts were a promise that was portrayed through every touch you initiated.

Make me need you,


You pushed back a strand of stray ginger hair, leaning in closer to him, your right hand reaching to his and loosening his grip on the door handle, lacing your fingers together.

You take him in, and go over everything that had to happen to place you in these seconds that felt like years. Chūya had always been something to you, different than anyone else, he reminded you of reality, but he reminded you in a way that you knew if you were with him, reality would be ok to handle. Maybe you wouldn't live the happiest in the Port Mafia, but you knew you could live your life to the fullest with Chūya by your side. He didn't make you fear what you were, your ability, it's consequences...and he made you feel like more than all that.

I'm sorry I left...

But there is one thing I want, and I'll always want it...

With his free hand, Chūya caresses your face gently, both his and your eyes never looking away, only focused on each other. Gently holding your head towards him, you let go of his hand and place yours gently on his chest, whispering before you give in.

"Then I only need you to love me."

Chūya looks at you with a look of minor panic and desperation before his gaze softens, and he pulls you in. You loosen up, placing your arms around his neck as you lean into the kiss, your lips connecting like pieces of a puzzle that were meant to find comfort in one another. Pushed against your door, you instinctively reach a hand out to open it, reaching and successfully opening it, the both of you staggering in.

Broken apart only to pause and close the door once again, and Chūya taking off his hat and hanging it on the knob, your bodies come back together in minutes that felt everlasting. Slowly, you take your heavy, black trench coat off revealing your nightgown and open skin. Chūya's own overcoat drops to the ground, his gloves dropping gracefully with it.

With you, he didn't want control.

Every touch felt like a flame being lit, every kiss was sweeter than any reality you could imagine. You wanted to absorb it all, you wanted to never forget.

And you never would.

The night was a long one full of desire, full of passion and lust for one another's presence. Kisses leaving marks on your neck, your collar bone now familiar with the feeling of Chūya's love.


Your name was whispered as he held you like he was afraid of letting go, like the moment he couldn't feel you, you'd disappear and leave him wanting more, never able to catch you again.

In return, you'd assure him over and over that you couldn't leave again...

And with him with you, you didn't want to.

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